
Qizong's disciples responded quickly, and then an array of plates appeared in their hands, and the light flashed. At the same time, the wind rose on them, and their figures disappeared in place.

The disappearance of Qi Zong's disciples made Yu Dao King beast furious and set his target on the other three schools.

The three masters were frightened and angry and retreated again and again.

"Use magic!"

Mingxiang exclaimed.

Then a ray of light to the Jade King beast, directly into its body.

But the Jade Road King beast eye eye one leaves, became the ink color, and then bites to the magic God Valley people.

"Get out of the way..."

Mingxiang screamed and flashed to the side, regardless of the life or death of the disciples behind.

"Puff, puff..."

Jade Road King beast this mouth, directly let six female disciples die under the mouth, blood spatter.

"Roar..." Jade Road King beast roars, continues to rush to them.

But by this time they had already run behind the disciples of qianjianzong and badaomen.

"Get out of here..."

Qianjianzong and badaomen disciples roared at their once crazy fantasy objects with a look of panic. It's true that life and death matter whether you are a goddess or a woman.

But the Jade Road King beast's speed is faster, the huge tail is like the pillar of heaven clapping to them.


There was a tremor on the ground, and a terrible wave of air swept around.

The three disciples who were slapped by the tail were all shocked into blood foam and drenched on their faces like rain.

"Qizong, we agree with five roots!"

Jian Jizi was the first to open his mouth. He didn't want all the disciples of Qianjian sect to fall here, and even he might lose here. This is a bit more than the loss.

"We also agree

The Mingxiang elder of the magic valley also cried out, there is no such charming appearance any more.

Shi Yan frowned and had to agree. If it goes on like this, all the disciples they came in would die, and there would be no benefit, let alone inheritance.

"I agree."

His voice just fell, in all directions of them, a column of light rushed up, the array of plates appeared.

Then a huge shadow of the array disk appeared in the air, connecting the pillars of light.


With the sound of the sky, the huge body of Jade Road King beast was thrown out by a stretch of elasticity and fell into the jade sea.

But the next moment, the Jade Road King beast rushed up again and rushed to the array which had formed a white barrier.


The Jade Road King beast bumps into it, the strength immediately rebounds, throws itself to fly out.

Within the array, all the Qizong disciples show up, and the disciples of Qizong look at the disciples of the three schools with plain eyes and make them face a burst of face.

However, the female disciples of magic valley have a special affection for the disciples of Qizong. Although the disciples of Qizong are very ordinary, they are like great heroes in their hearts at the moment.

He looked at them with a cool look.

"This array can block that big guy for half an hour. We'll choose the pillar of inheritance first."

Did not wait for them to answer, Zhuo Yin then to Qi Zong elder sign.

The elder of Qizong nodded, and then sent someone to copy the inheritance on the five inheritance pillars.

Half an hour is not enough to accept the inheritance. Although copying can not completely let people pass on the above things, it can let more people understand things inside.

Their main ability is still one of the array Dao, but everything in the world can become Tao, and their main choice is to facilitate their inheritance.

On the twelve inheritance pillars, there are two branches of sword and sword inheritance. Although they are branches, they are also of great use to the array, so they chose.

As for qianjianzong and badaomen, it's their business.

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