
As soon as they landed, the guards of the four jade gods, who were not taken away by them, suddenly opened their eyes. The jade lights flashed in their eyes, and a strong momentum spread.

Then they rushed to longri Tian with a big sword.

Long RI adds eyebrow a pick, the heart reads to move.

I saw his four jade God guards also rushed up and directly hugged the four jade gods guards on the opposite side.

Maybe it's the same reason. The four jade God guards didn't attack the four of longritian. Instead, they asked them to hold him. Their feet still wanted to rush to longritian, but they could only move slowly.

Long Ritian smiles and shakes his head. Sure enough, if these things are out of control, they are stupid.

Then they went straight to the Crystal Palace.

When the four jade gods passed by, they couldn't hit them again. They were held by the four jade gods guards of longritian all the time, and they couldn't even lift their swords.

Ancient rain, they are curious to look at these jade God guards.


Ronjitian opened the door of the Crystal Palace directly.

"I'll take the pills containing a lot of Daoli."

Just open the door, long day adds the eye light is dim to flash, light says.

He Ji, they haven't responded.

When he saw the scene inside, He Ji felt suffocated. There were endless pills. How many of them should there be.

The ancient stone and the ancient rain just feel shocked, because they do not know what the pill is, they have not seen, nor used.

Then long RI added his eyes, a golden light came over, and a strong force of Yuan Shen was scattered.


The golden power of Yuan Shen swept around, and instantly felt the pills in the palace.

His strength was only restored to the realm of heaven, but the power of Yuan Shen was also restored to the realm of heaven. The power of Yuan Shen in his realm of heaven was not bad.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a terrible strong wind acted on the whole palace, and bottles of pills he needed flew up to him.

A huge black whirlpool appeared in front of longjitian, and bottles of pills began to rush in.

He Ji's three people's mouths are wide open, which is extremely shocking.

It lasted half an hour before the whirlpool slowly closed.

For a while, the hall became empty, but there were still many jade bottles in it. Long RI Tian didn't receive all of them. What he left was weak to him.

Well There should be 100000 bottles left.

"Divide these up."

Long Ritian waved his hand and said.

Three people listen, the body a stiff, and then he Ji excited.

He didn't expect that long RI Tian would let them divide them. To know that the pills that can be used in this secret place will at least be useful to him. Although he took most of them away, the small part left behind is also of amazing value.

"Did you really give it to us?"

He Ji stammered with excitement.


Long day adds light nod.

"Thank you." He Ji bent down again.

He chose the right one. Fortunately, he didn't stay there to accept the inheritance like AI Qiu. Otherwise, there would be no present.

And there are countless techniques in his space.

After going out, he could find a place to live in seclusion, and then practice in the four or three realms before he came out to establish a sect.

With this huge resource, he can improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

"Miss Gu Yu, brother Gu Shi, let's put away the pills first, and then divide them together. How about that?"

He Ji looks at Gu Yu and them.

"Mm-hmm, good."

Gu Yu, they nodded.

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