Outside the Crystal Palace, under the light of crystal, there is a blue all around.

In the square, two figures stand opposite each other, and one of them is full of light, and his breath gushes out.


As a golden light passed by, the light disappeared.

"Thank you, father."

The great devil knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice to longri.

"Well, get up." Long RI Tim nodded.

He used 30 jade beads to restore the power of the great devil to the realm of heaven.

The big devil's energy is different from him, so he needs less energy, so 30 jade beads are enough to recover strength.

"What's your name?" Asked ronjitian, looking at him.

"Tell the father, my name is Saku."

Said sago, bowing his head.

Sargus was tall, half a head taller than ronjitian.

"Well, follow me first."

Long day adds light to say.

At present, he is the realm of the great way. He can only release the strength of the realm of heaven and the people who are higher than the realm can not get out.

As for more people to come out, or forget it, now there are not so many efforts to help them recover strength, or wait until we go out.

At this time, He Ji and their pills also received 7788.

Half an hour later.

"Master long, we've got it."

He Ji came out with a strong smile on his face.

It's too rich. One person gets more than 30000 bottles of pills, which can make their strength rise.

They also saw Saku. Their bodies stopped and froze.

Saku's appearance strength is too shocking, a little domineering, a little cool and handsome.

"Brother long, this is..."

Gu Yu couldn't move his eyes. He looked at Saku and asked longri Tian.

"Saku, introduce yourself." Long day adds light to say.

"Yes, father

Saku answered, then looked at He Ji three people and said in a deep voice: "I am Saku, a member of the third team of the demon legion, with strength in heaven."

Saku's introduction made them a little confused, they had never heard of it.

"My name is He Ji. I'm a monk. My accomplishments are six realms." He Ji said.

"My name is Gu Yu Nine realms. " Gu Yu said softly.

"My name is Gu Shi. I'm cultivating into eight realms." Gu Shi said in a simple voice.

Saku nodded and went back to longitian.

"Now that it's all right, let's go."

Long day adds light to say.


Then five people flew to the Jade Gate in the sky, and the eight jade God guards followed.

Eighth, Yumen space.

A piece of darkness, boundless darkness, this is a prairie, a dark prairie.

Zhuyin was protected by all the Qizong people, and moved forward slowly.

Under their feet, there is a huge array plate supporting them to move forward.

"Little Lord, why is this place so dark? There is no light at all."

A Qizong disciple asked curiously.

His eyes looked around him with great concentration, and the golden light was shining in his eyes.


In the distance, the body roared.

I saw a pair of big fist eyes in front of me.

This is a wolf, green Wolf, four meters long and more than two meters high. His face is ferocious, and his sharp teeth are exposed outside.

Its nose is constantly sniffing, as if to smell something.

Although the green Wolf's cultivation is not high, only six states, but the Qizong people still dare not move, after all, this is able to appear one, that means there are many, if it leads to other, it will be troublesome.

Although there are several elders in the four realms, they may not be able to protect so many disciples.

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