There is a building more than ten meters high, covered by dense trees.

At the back of the building, there is a green wall. If it doesn't get out of the side, it should be a palace.

Five people and eight jade gods came to the building.

This is an altar, green, with mysterious lines on it, and streamers of light flash past.

"She's in there. I'll go out and take her in first." Purple phage said solemnly.


Long RI Tim nodded.

Then Ziyan crawled out of his arm and flew into the altar.

And they went to the palace.

On the Palace Square, there are also four jade gods guarding, just like other places.


The guard eyes of the four jade gods brightened up. They were jade white and looked at longri Tian.

Then their momentum rises and rushes to longritian.

At this time, Saku wanted to move, but was stopped by longri Tian, and eight jade gods guards rushed up.

The jade God, who was twice as many as them, immediately held them down.

There's so much noise out there. There must have been a sound inside.

Yu saliva's face changed. He came out of the room and saw the people of long RI Tian outside the door.

His face was black, especially when he saw the twelve jade gods fighting together.

The jade God guard was used by others.

"Who are you?" Jade saliva cold voice to long day Tim they ask a way.

"The great road!" Long RI Tian's eyes brightened and his mouth slightly raised.

"Father, let me go." These sages speak.

Ronjitian glanced and nodded. He also wanted to see the fighting power of Saku.

Although the demons are his, he never pays attention to them.

Saku stepped forward, facing jade saliva.

Jade saliva looks at this strange ancient, eyes a cold.

"You're not my match. Go away." Jade saliva cold voice way.

"Not necessarily!"

Saku's voice became hoarse, which had already been gathered into the back of the flesh wingspan.


A stream of dark and black magic gas emanates, instantly dyed black one side of the sky, the breath of terror continues to spread.

Jade saliva eyes shrink, a jade sword appears in his hand, a milky Taoist Qi gushes out, and instantly presses the magic Qi to one side.

"Liquid demon body, open!"

With a low roar, Saku's body turned into liquid form, and two huge claws appeared, plundering to the jade saliva.


Jade saliva shouts, jade sword cuts out a huge sword spirit.


Sarguton was cut in half.

But the next instant healing, with boundless magic power, claws to jade saliva.

"Zheng Zheng..."

A sword light flashed by, and the two claws were cut off directly, and then turned into liquid, and then merged into Saku's body.

And sargu turned into a huge black water, surrounded by jade saliva.

"The power of demon fruit, the way of liquid, interesting."

Ronjitian smiles.

The original demons were born from the tree of the devil fruit. They were all transformed from the devil fruit and were born with a kind of ability.

And in the realm of heaven, this ability has evolved into a complete Avenue.

This kind of road is not that you can hurt him with the original domineering spirit. Only by finding the core in the liquid can he be killed.

"Puff, puff..."

Saku, who wrapped yusaliva, turned into a big ball. He could not see what was inside. However, yusaliva kept waving his sword inside, and the liquid was constantly chopped off. However, he recovered in the next moment, and the speed was very fast.

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