"Oh my! There are already a lot of people at here, and they have just started to come. Seems like the entire kingdom wants to chosen by you," Jiwoo commented.

Beside her stood Oh Sookyung, and both of them observed the scene from a dark corner. While Moon Jiwoo was dressed somewhat lavishly, Sookyung was in his casual clothes.

Turning her head to face Sookyung, she questioned, "Aren't you getting dressed? After all, those girls would prefer their King to be quite charming."

Raising his hand, Sookyung ran them through his hair and spoke out, "I think I am charming enough like this. It would not good to have the entire ball distracted with my looks after I dress up."

Punching on his ċhėst slightly, she spoke out, "Tch! What good looks? Even when I am dressed as a boy, I will be better than you."

Oh Sookyung chuckled and retorted, "You dressed as a boy would be quite funny since I am pretty sure you will be passing as a middle school kid, or should I call it elementary?"

"Seeing their King beaten up might leave a different impression of you in their mind, so go and get dressed up instead of babbling nonsense. Plus that father of yours is staring at here so much," she voiced out.

"Is he?" Sookyung stated as he glanced at that direction before adding, "What? Does that intimidate and scare you?"

"No, it's not that. It bȧrėly has an affect on me, but it's quite annoying. It feels as if each of my actions are monitored, and that is enough to make me enraged," Jiwoo spoke out, clenching her hand into a tight fist.

"If you want to, go and face him if you are that annoyed. Maybe even swing your fist around if you are that enraged," Sookyung said.

"Are you sure you should be suggesting that to me? Although you bȧrėly have a bond with him, he is still your father," Jiwoo pointed out, "Not that I care. If I want to punch him, I don't require for your permission."

"Geez, father or not, he is irritating and unreasonable. That man is just greedy for power," Sookyung stated.

"Isn't everyone greedy for that?" Jiwoo raised one of her eyebrows.

"You are right," Sookyung spoke out, "But I guess I hate how controlling he can be at times. Over all, whatever the reason is, I choose you over him, Shin Daerin."

Hearing those sweet words from him caused the temperature of Moon Jiwoo's cheeks to rise, and a light pink blush started to coat her cheeks. In order to hide her burning cheeks, Jiwoo turned to look at the other direction.

"Whatever, now go and get dressed! It will be too embarrassing if you are discovered now, and don't you require an hour or two to get dressed. You will miss out a lot," Jiwoo said.

"That would be for the best. I did not want to do this stupid thing and find my fated one in the first place." Sookyung rubbed his hand upon his forehead.

Moon Jiwoo simply shrugged his shoulder.

"And you? Aren't you dressed way too much?" Sookyung questioned.

His sudden words caught her off guard, and Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened due to confusion as she stared at him. She had one of her eyebrows raised, waiting for him to continue.

Moving his hand closer to her, he clutched on to her chin and brought her face near to his. Feeling his cold breath upon her face caused jitters to go down her stomach.

"I am supposed to be the main attraction of today's ball, not you," Sookyung voiced out, touching the corner of her lips and pressing it, he slid his hand down until he reached her thin.

"Even like this, you will be attracting many eyes. What do I do now?" Sookyung added.

Creases appeared between both of her eyebrows as Jiwoo raised her hand and slapped his hand away. Taking a step back, she glared at him while anger was clearly visible in her eyes.

"What the hell did you do that for? Oh God! You ruined my entire make up, and now, I have to do it again. This is annoying! Don't tell me you did it because of how envious you were! I know I look better than you, but you are such an ȧsshole!" Jiwoo expressed before turning her back on him and walking away.

Seeing her distancing back, Sookyung did not bother with stopping her. Raising his hand, he ran them through his hair, and a sigh left his mouth.

"What the hell are you doing, Oh Sookyung? Have you finally lost it?" he mumbled to himself.


"Aera! You are here as well!" Jiwoo voiced out cheerfully as she spotted the mentioned girl.

As Jiwoo stopped before her, Aera nodded her head and said, "Yes, all the ladies were required to come. I must admit that the King is quite charming."

Upon hearing those words from Aera, Jiwoo found herself searching for Oh Sookyung. When her eyes fell on him, she realized that he was seated upon the throne while he observed everyone, and a bored expression was present on his face.

He had changed into proper clothing this time around. As all the ladies observed him, some of them appeared to be shy while few of them did not care about him. Most of them let out giggles while stealing glances the King, and Jiwoo found herself shaking her head at how silly they were being.

"I don't even understand what they find this attractive about that ȧsshole. The only thing I want to do the moment I see his face is to badly strangle him," Jiwoo spoke out, "Of course torture him before strangling him."

"You should control that mouth of yours, Daerin," Aera commented, "You are going to get into a serious trouble for that."

"What trouble? That Oh Sookyung doesn't even care about it, so why should I? Let me tell you one secret. Actually, Oh Sookyung is quite a mȧsȯċhɨst. He likes it when he is treated in a rough way," Jiwoo voiced out— her tone being quite loud.

Those words of hers managed to reach the ears of many females present at there, and out of curiosity, they all began to turn their attention towards her.

One of the females— having vibrant red hair— walked towards her, and having expected that result, a smile formed on Moon Jiwoo's face.

"How do you know about that? You should be punished for spreading false rumours on him!" the redhead stated.

"You don't know who I am? I am the current King's protector, so there is nothing about him that I do not know," Jiwoo spoke out arrogantly, folding her arms over her ċhėst.

"Is that so?" the redhead raised one of her eyebrows.

"Of course that is the case. You don't know about it? What do you stay under? A huge boulder?" Jiwoo said.

At Moon Jiwoo's words, the redhead coughed and voiced out, "If that's the case, then I am really sorry. It's just that I thought someone randomly was trying to defame the King, and I could not bear the thought of that. I hope you understand."

"I guess it can't be helped if you live under a boulder. Please leave if you have nothing else to talk on."

"No, that is not the case," the redhead stated, "I really want to know more about the King. I am quite fond of him, and that's why, please can you tell me more stories about him."

Multiple of 'Me too' was heard around the room while the ladies began to approach Moon Jiwoo. Their eagerness, desperation, and enthusiasm clearly showed in their eyes while they gathered around Moon Jiwoo.

"Since our current King is a great man, it's understandable for the beautiful ladies to dėsɨrė for him," Moon Jiwoo stated, "That's why, I will be helping you all."

"Thank you," one of the lady voiced out.

"Whatever I am talking to you about, please keep it a secret. These are King's personal details, so it would be troublesome if they were to spread. Can you at least promise me with that?" Jiwoo vocalised although she would be happier with the news being spread around.

All the women nodded.

"Well, I don't know how to actually say this. This is a really personal detail of his, but since all of you love him, you need to know this. Actually the current King prefers male over the females. Of course, he is alright with the female, but for his sėxuȧŀ dėsɨrė, he is fond of male over. That's why, he is not approaching any lady today."

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