"You seriously think that bringing me over to some haunted house is going to work? This place is so boring, to the point it is not fun. Like, everything is completely obvious. With my eyes closed, I know all that will be happening. You really lack in this. I can see that you will be failing," Moon Jiwoo voiced out.

Both of them stepped into the dark cave. Other than their footsteps, there was only the noises of water falling down, hitting a hard substance. A cold breeze passed by them as they stepped further into the cave.

Moon Jiwoo's face showed no signs of fear as she walked forward. Folding her arms over her ċhėst, she wore a smug expression upon her face, and she oozed off of confidence. Jiwoo was sure that she would be able to walk out the cave without being scared once. 

Moon Jiwoo did not go in many haunted house. Nonetheless, for shooting dramas in her last life, she visited some, and other than the occasional jump scares, she did not find them being anything special.

Jiwoo believed that, with her strong senses now, she wouldn't be affected by anything inside the cave.

"Oh! I think I forgot to tell you this, but once you have entered into this cave, you have become completely like those from the yellow clan. In other words, your senses are no longer than strong, and you are currently without those abilities of yours," Sookyung vocalised.

Moon Jiwoo went silent for couple of seconds before saying, "Ah! Even without that, I know that I will not be letting out a single squeal. They say that girls are cute when they cry in the haunted house. Honestly, I don't see anything cute about being wimpy. Things here aren't even realistic. Aren't they too foolish to be crying over that?"

Without saying anything, Oh Sookyung continued to listen to the girl with a soft smile upon his features.

Turning her head, Moon Jiwoo faced the wall, and going closer to it, she touched the bloody mask. The eyeballs moved slowly as they stared at her. Even if Jiwoo was a little taken aback when she saw them in the beginning, it wasn't anything much.

Looking at Oh Sookyung, she said, "See, no matter where you go, it's the same. Although it is a little advanced at here, it doesn't make much of a difference at the end. Seriously? Scary masks that aren't even that frightening. What do they take us to be? Elementary kids? Even kids would not be frightened by this!"

As Jiwoo looked back at the mask, her eyes widened when she noticed how the eyes of the mask had popped. Seeing how both the bloody eyes had fallen on to the ground, she was taken by surprise at that and jumped back.

Fortunately enough, she was able to prevent herself from letting out a squeal. That saved her from a quite a lot of embarrassment. She looked at the eyeballs that rolled on the ground while her heart beagn to beat rapidly within her ċhėst. 

When she stared at Oh Sookyung, she saw the small smile that sat at the corner of his lips, and letting out a forced chuckle, she voiced out, "That was new, but it wasn't innovative enough. I was bȧrėly affected by that."

Moving his hand closer to her, he patted the top of her head and voiced out, "I know that you are brave, and this doesn't affect you. But aren't you talking way too much today? Could it be that you are really nervous?"

Giving an immediate response to his words, she shook his head as she took couple of steps back. She then spoke out, "No, why would I even be nervous in the first place? At something as childish as this? Never!"

"Let's get going then," he vocalised.

Extending his hand towards her, he held on to her hand, and intertwining both of their fingers together, he led the path. Moon Jiwoo was slightly startled at his actions. 

Nonetheless, thinking nothing much of it, she did not make any attempt to pull it away. Now, that she was confirmed with the fact that he did not love her, such contact did not bother her much. Moreover, they have done things more intimate than this.

Both of their footsteps began to echo. Occasionally, things popped out in front of both of them. Nonetheless, Moon Jiwoo, who had prepared herself for this beforehand, did not show much reaction to it. 

Although at times she felt as if her heart was going to jump out of her ċhėst, holding on to the last strand of pride within herself, she forced herself to be nonchalant about it.. 

After all that she had bragged about to Sookyung and her smug attitude, at the end, her confidence was slowly tearing away. Both of them hadn't yet reached the mid path yet things were starting to get intense for Jiwoo. 

Deep inside, she prayed for things to pass hurriedly without causing her any mortification.

"Wow! Oh Sookyung, you must be good at this. You're not even flinching," Jiwoo commented.

"Want to know the secret behind that?"

Hearing his question, she turned to face the male, and with a spark appearing in her eyes, she nodded her head multiple times. The thought of knowing a secret really made her excited.

"My powers aren't affected at all," Oh Sookyung said, "They did not even lessen!"

"Heol! I did not expect that. No, why are your powers there when mine are gone? This doesn't make sense? Aren't I suppose to be stronger than you? If that's the case, then why are your powers there," Jiwoo voiced out— confusion showing on her face clearly.

"It seems that you did not notice it yet, Shin Daerin," he vocalised.

Creases formed between both of her eyebrows as Moon Jiwoo asked, "What are you talking about?"

"You can be really oblivious at times. You did not even notice how your powers were not there when you entered into the cave until I informed about it," Sookyung stated.

"That was just a mistake. Now, what's the matter? With all that suspense, you are starting to make me nervous now," Jiwoo vocalised as she gulped.

"This is about your abilities, Shin Daerin. It seems that they are decreasing slowly," he said, "In other words, you are probably no longer as strong as me. This had started ever since I have ascended that throne. I wonder how you did not notice it yet."

His words had taken Moon Jiwoo by surprise completely, and her eyes widened. Taking a step back, Jiwoo found herself unable to believe his words.

The truth about losing her powers did not sound good to her.

Before Moon Jiwoo was able to contemplate further on the matter, she found the ground beneath her foot get softer and wet. Finding that to be strange, she looked down.

A gasp escaped from her mouth when she saw how a hand emerged from the ground and clutched tightly on to her leg. Seeing the blood that dripped out of the hand as it gripped the ankles of her pant, Jiwoo knew that her clothing will be getting dirtied.

That was one thing she extremely disliked.

That's when, the realization that the ground beneath her foot was turning muddy and watery hit her. Seeing how her shoes were starting to sink in the mud, she let out a squeal. 

Imagining how dirty she would be if she was pulled into that was enough to frighten Moon Jiwoo, and without a second thought, she jumped forward towards Oh Sookyung.

Trying to bring her legs out of the mud, she wrapped her hands his neck. While she was successful in getting one of her legs out, the same could not be said for the leg that was clutched on to by that hand.

Feeling how the mud was starting to cover that leg of hers, she vocalised, "Yah! Oh Sookyung! Just get that thing off of me! It is gross! If I get pulled into that thing, I would not be able to wash it off for forever. Please save me!"

Oh Sookyung let out a humorous chuckle and voiced out, "Didn't you say that you are not scared of anything? That doesn't seem to be the case. And Shin Daerin, it appears that I quite like it when you are hanging off of me like that. What do I do now? It seems that I don't feel like helping you."

"Oh Sookyung, you got me into this mess, so you should help me out of it. What about it? I will owe you one favour if you get me out of this! Is that fine?" Jiwoo tried to negotiate.

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