Acting on a mere impulse, Jiwoo did it. Even though she was scared about finding her true emotions towards the male, she too was curious regarding her feelings towards him.

Maybe she would be regretting acting on impulse later on, but at that moment, she could not bring herself to care about it. 

Bringing her face closer to his, Jiwoo placed her lips on top of his and pecked him. The action lasted for only a mere second before Jiwoo moved back.

While Oh Sookyung's eyes were widened due to her sudden actions, Jiwoo's face remained blank, and slowly, it was turning ashen. Jiwoo was shocked that she did not find herself detesting that.

Instead after doing that, her eyes kept on getting drawn to his lips; it felt almost as if she was regretting the fact that this was small.

'Snap out of it, Moon Jiwoo! The only reason you are feeling this way because he is the only male that you are close to. That's all! There is nothing more than that can be between two of us. Jiwoo, don't dream for the impossible again! Get a grip over yourself!'

"What's with that face? Although you are the one who suddenly kissed me, you appear more shaken up than me," Sookyung voiced out.

"No, it's strange how I did not feel anything," Jiwoo lied. 

It was not that she did not feel anything; it was merely that she too frightened to comprehend the current surge of emotions within herself.

"It seems that I have to try harder," he spoke out.

With that, Oh Sookyung pulled another piece of wooden block and turning it, he read the content out loud.

"Fulfill the wish of the person sitting opposite to you."

"A wish?" Jiwoo mumbled.

Sookyung nodded and said, "I will make sure to fulfill a wish of yours, so don't hold back. What do you want?"

"I don't know. There are lots of things I want to ask from you, but I will just keep this chance for later on. After all, since this is a rare chance, I want to treasure it," Jiwoo voiced out, forcing a smile upon her face.

Although Jiwoo's inner emotions was in a turmoil, she did not let that show on her face. Knowing that she made the situation worse by thinking too much, Jiwoo decided to not opt for that. 

"You don't need some block to have me grant your wish. I will do whatever you want," he stated.

"That's too good to be true," Jiwoo vocalised, "At least don't be this obvious when you lie."

Oh Sookyung chuckled and said, "Let me correct that then. I will do the most things you want. Of course there are some exceptions."

Moon Jiwoo scoffed and expressed, "I highly doubt that."

Jiwoo then pulled out a piece of block from the bottom. She felt the tower trembling slightly. Nonetheless, relief spread through her when she noticed that the tower hadn't crumbled down. It would be a pity to let this end so soon.

"Dream for the future," Jiwoo said, "Ah! Why do I have to get to deal with the difficult ones each time around?"

"It's just the second one, Shin Daerin," he pointed out, "And this isn't hard at all."

"That's easy for you to say. You have a career planned out for you. As for me, I don't even know. Should I start a business and be a CEO of it? That might actually keep me busy."

Sookyung chuckled and vocalised, "Indeed that would be keeping you busy, considering how stupid you could be. You won't success at business, but maybe you would be able to make some profit after working for hundred years."

Slamming her hands on the ground, Jiwoo glared at him and said, "I know that I am not as smart as you, but do you always have to bring it in our conversation? 

You bastard, at least I am more attractive than you. I have decided. My dream for the future is to become a hostess, and I lure more men than the amount of female you attract. I challenge you to that."

"What do I do? I can't bring myself to agree to that," Sookyung spoke out.

Curving the corner of her lips to form a smirk, Jiwoo wore on a smug expression and stated, "Why not? Are you afraid that you will be losing miserably?"

Shaking his head, Sookyung said, "No, it's just that I am quite a possessive man. Such a challenge is quite displeasing to me."

"Tch! You are really disgusting!"


Jiwoo pulled the block out from the tower. Around an hour had passed since both of them had started playing this game, and Jiwoo was impressed by how the tower was able to keep it fr breaking until now.

Although Jiwoo had fun throughout the entire time, she had her fair share of embarrassing moments as well. Nonetheless, there was not anything she particularly disliked with the kiss being an exception.

"What do you like about the person before you?" Jiwoo vocalised, "What kind of bullshit is this? I knew it! You planned to trap me with this."

Shrugging his shoulders, Sookyung said, "Honestly, Jiwoo, I am really curious about the answer."

Placing the block on top of the tower, she stated, "What's there to say about it? It's obvious that I hate everything about you."

"You can't lie," Sookyung spoke out, "Don't tell me that you forgot that clause."

"Aren't you being overconfident right now? How are you so sure that I don't hate everything about you?" Jiwoo questioned, raising one of her eyebrows.

"Isn't the fact that our relationship progresses this far proof enough? If you hated everything about me, you wouldn't have come back to the Underworld," Sookyung pointed out.

"You really have the nerve to say that I have come here because of you. Wow! I wonder where you get that confidence from," she said, "But I guess since I should not be lying, I guess I have some things about you that I like you.

The best thing about you is your face. Regardless of what I might say, you are really handsome and also my type. Maybe that's why, I came to the Underworld."

"Just my face? That's disappointing. I thought I was more charming than that." He let out a sigh.

"Well, if you question me on what I like about you, it is difficult, because even I am not sure about it. That's why, let's not complicate things, and stick with your face," Jiwoo stated.

"What's with you answering that so mȧturėly?" he mumbled before loudly adding, "Should I take it that you like everything about me?"

"Not exactly. Although I don't know what I like about you, I am clear about what I hate when it comes to you. Do I need to voice them out?"

"No," he answered, "I believe I will be fine without knowing the answer to that."

With that, Oh Sookyung decided to pull out a wooden block for his turn. But before he was able to do so, the tower crumbled down, and looking at that, both of them began to laugh.

"Finally, it is over. If it continued for much longer, I would have broken it down on my own," Jiwoo spoke out as she fell back on the floor.

The entire today felt unreal to her. Although she had been having a lot more fun these days, if she had to pick, today would be one of the best days in her life.

The suffocation she felt her entire life disappeared these days, and her ċhėst was a lot lighter. This was the time in her life she wanted to tightly hold on to and not let go of.

Copying Moon Jiwoo, Sookyung laid on the ground, and turning his head, he faced her with a smile on his face.

"Say, Oh Sookyung, wouldn't it be for the best if we stayed like this forever? Unchanged?" she questioned.

"That wish of yours is something I desperately want to fulfill, but it's not possible," he spoke out, "Time won't allow me to."

"If that's the case, then I am satisfied with these staying the happiest memories in my life. Whenever I am facing any hardships, I want to think back to these, and be like 'ah, even I had happy moments'. I hope anything wouldn't happen that would make me regret these memories. Just don't let that happen, Sookyung," Jiwoo stated.

Extending his hand towards her, he brushed back the hair which was before her eyes, and smiling at her, he voiced out, "If you say that with that expression on your face, how can I reject it? 

I will make you smile like this more in the future, so that you will be considering these moments to be insignificant. I promise you that. That's why, don't ever push me away. I might go crazy if you do that."

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