Junghwa was most definitely brought trouble to her ever since they have met. This was one thing she was confirmed about by now, and unless she got rid of the female completely, she would not be able to get away from the bad luck.

The situation right now was one of the examples.

After Moon Jiwoo was done with her lunch, she wanted to spend rest of her afternoon in peace, but that wish of hers was disturbed when she was called by Han Youngmi, Sookyung's mother.

Moon Jiwoo wanted to let Sookyung know about it and run away from the scene but decided against it since she did not want to seem like a coward. 

'It's just a old lady. How bad can it get?'

Folding her arms over her ċhėst, Jiwoo wore an arrogant expression upon her features, and following after the maid, she stepped into the room. The maid bowed at the woman inside the room before leaving, closing the door behind her.

Jiwoo stared at the woman sitting on the couch with scorn. She recalled how the very woman insulted her last time, and Jiwoo was known to hold grudge for a long time.

"Why are you searching for me?" Jiwoo questioned.

She wanted to get out from this room as soon as possible and did not want to get involved in any beating around the bush or sweet talks.

Without paying any attention to Moon Jiwoo, the woman raised her tea cup, and bringing it over to her mouth, she took a sip out of it while a relaxed expression sat on her face.

Seeing the woman's attitude, Moon Jiwoo found herself being irritated. Nonetheless, she wasn't crazy enough to attack an elderly woman regardless of how irritating she found them to be.

Letting out a scoff, she turned her back on the woman and was about to leave. If the woman had no intention to talk to her, then, there was no reason for her to stay in this room.

Before Jiwoo was able to touch the door knob, the woman voiced out, "How ill-mannered are you! I have called you at here yet you are leaving without my permission! You really need to be shown your position at here properly! You need to be punished!"

Hearing the woman's angered voice, Moon Jiwoo let out a chuckle, and turning to face the woman, she raised one of her eyebrows before saying, "You say really funny things at times. Why should I even obey you at the first place?"

"That's because you are such a mere servant at this place in the first place! Just because Sookyung had treated you kindly, don't tell me that you forgot it, You Imbecile! Your existence—"

"If you brought me here to insult me, I would rather leave," she voiced out, "I don't how many more times I have to say about it, but I am not good when it comes to dealing with my temper.

Servant or whatever I am, it has no connection to you, Old Lady. So, stay out of my business. I don't care which bitches seduce Oh Sookyung. That's why, keep me out of it. I am not someone who shows courtesy to old woman."

Creases formed between both of her eyebrows as the woman stood up abruptly and began to make her way towards Moon Jiwoo. Jiwoo stared straight at the woman without showing any signs of being intimidated.

Then, all of a sudden, taking Jiwoo by surprise, the woman raised her hand and planted it against Jiwoo's cheek. A loud sound travelled through the room while a sharp sting went across her cheeks. Jiwoo stared at the woman with widened eyes.

"How dare you, You Mere Servant! I will be responsible for teaching you your place at here! You have crossed your line a long time ago! 

You should have been dead yet my son did a great favour in keeping you alive. In return for that, you are showing such an attitude! You just defile this place! Either kill yourself or leave this place."

Initially, Jiwoo decided to handle this without creating a ruckus, but by hitting Jiwoo, the woman had gone too far. Once the woman had done this, there was no way Jiwoo was able to hold in her anger anymore regardless of how elderly Youngmi was.

Silently, Jiwoo made her way to the table and swiftly picked up the cup of tea. Seeing the tea inside the cup, she did not waste a second before spilling the entire liquid upon the woman's head.

As the wet liquid travelled down her head, the woman's eyes widened, and a gasp escaped from her lips. Raising her hand, Youngmi touched the wet surface of her head before glaring at Jiwoo.

Jiwoo threw the cup across the room, causing the cup to break into multiple pieces, and a loud sound spread through the room.

"Next time you attempt something like this," Jiwoo threatened, "I will really not be sparing you. Just because I am tolerating this nonsense doesn't mean I can't go against you.

And what? You are threatened by how Sookyung adores me. Cool! I will use the fact to make him reject all the woman you send after him or better, I will get him to marry me. After all, he did say that he is willing to reject his fated one for my sake. That's how much enamored by me he is."

"You bitch!" the woman exclaimed.

Bringing her hand over to Moon Jiwoo, she was about to grab and pull them. But before she was able to do such a thing, Jiwoo grabbed the woman's wrist, preventing her from doing so.

Moon Jiwoo was proud of herself from being able to prevent from happening. One of the things she hated most in fighting was when someone touched her hair. 

Twisting the woman's hand slightly, Jiwoo vocalised, "It seems that you don't learn your lesson easily. You call me lowly yet aren't you acting like an uncultured old lady right now? Do you enjoy being humiliated?"

Before Han Youngmi was able to retort, the door to the room was pushed open, and Jiwoo turned her head towards that direction. Oh Sookyung stepped inside the room, and worry was visible upon his features.

"Shin Daerin, are you fine?" he asked before his eyes fell on the scene before him.

Moon Jiwoo let go of his mother's hand, and nodding her head, she walked over to the male. Nonchalance showed upon her face.

"Yeah, I am just fine," she stated, "It's just that someone was desperate for my attention, so I have gifted her with that. You were late though. You weren't able to rescue the damsel in distress."

Oh Sookyung's fell on something, and raising his hand, he touched the corner of Jiwoo's lips. Although the wound had been healed, the blood remained on the surface.

Oh Sookyung's eyes darkened as he turned to face his mother, and he vocalised, "I don't care about what you want to do, but don't involve Daerin into them. I might not take them kindly from next time around, and about Junghwa, it's my fault for not dealing with it earlier. 

If I see Junghwa is my part of the palace, I ȧssure you that I will be personally forbidding her from entering into the palace. Just because you are my mother, doesn't mean anything."

"But you can't go against me for just some woman you recently met. I am your mother. How can you be like this with me? 

It's definitely this woman who had done something to you or else why would you be rude to your own mother! She is not a good woman! You need to teach her a lesson properly," Youngmi stated desperately.

"I respect you as a mother. That's why, don't cause me to lose that respect towards you. Even without me telling you about it, I am sure you are smart enough to see how you're wrong in this. Right now, Daerin is more than a protector to me. Remember that."

After shooting the woman a cold glance, Oh Sookyung placed his hand on Jiwoo's shoulder, and turning the woman, he said, "Let's go!"

"Shin Daerin, regardless of what you do, I will make sure that you are not happy with this relationship! I will not allow for that to happen. My son will be leaving you soon, and that will be your punishment for being this arrogant!" the woman exclaimed.


Once both of them were further away from the room, Sookyung scolded, "You idiot, why didn't you tell me about it? Do you know my heart almost jumped out of my ċhėst when I heard that Han Youngmi had called you?"

"I thought I could have dealt it on my own, and I managed to do that as well although I got a slap," Jiwoo said, "And it hurts my pride, alright!"

"You will be able to stay at here peacefully for the time being. I will make sure that Junghwa isn't here anymore. Sorry for being incompetent before."

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