One thing Moon Jiwoo is sure of that acting impulsively or rashly wouldn't be working, seeing how smart Oh Sookyung is. This time around, she had to act smartly.

The security around the palace were increased, so that she would not be able to sneak out, and since Sookyung grew aware of everytime she used her powers, it would be entirely unwise of her to use her powers.

As for how she learned it was because of how she almost was able to teleport one time before he caught her and informed about the entire thing. Apparently because of the bite mark he made on her neck, he was able to know about that.

That bite mark brought more trouble to her than simply that. Because of that, the maids had been treating her more with respect, and they have been putting extra care into taking care of her. All the scornful gazes they shot at her before were nowhere to be seen.

Thinking about it, Jiwoo found their behaviour when they ignored her better. Now, they were too meddlesome, and with their thousands of questioning, coupled with how they followed her around everywhere, Jiwoo lost her mind multiple number of times.

Other than that, she had Sookyung who rubbed salt over her wound by saying how she wouldn't be able to escape from here regardless of what she did. Apparently, the reason behind her was mainly her stupidity.

This was what had made Jiwoo determined to escape from this place. She wanted to show him on how she will be able to accomplish that if she used her brain a little.

Although her confidence was low when smartness was concerned, she convinced herself that she is able to accomplish anything as long as she puts her complete will to it.

Thinking about how she grew feelings for someone as sadistic as Oh Sookyung managed to surprise her as well. 

If he loved her, shouldn't he be whispering sweet words into her ear and coaxing her to stay at here instead of teasing and provoking her?

Clenching tightly on to the pen in her hand, she gritted her hand and stated, "That guy is truly trash! He should be killed for real."

Before her was piece of paper on which Jiwoo attempted to draw a map. Although the internal area of the castle was quite complicated, she tried to draw a map, thinking that it would be easier for her to make an escape plan with it. 

However, her drawing skills weren't that good, and up until, she was bȧrėly able to make the map appear decent.

Seeing the paper before her, she held the paper tightly in her hand and clenched. Throwing it into the trashcan, a sigh escaped from her mouth.

This was her tenth attempt at drawing the map, but it wasn't successful as well. Due to her photographic memory, she could remember the interior of the palace.

But when it came to drawing it upon the paper, she was unable to do it regardless of how hard she tried. This was starting to get frustrating to her at this point.

Letting out a loud groan, she threw the pen in her hand against the table and said, "Ah! This is terrible!"

"What is making you upset again?"

Hearing that familiar voice, it didn't take her a second to guess the owner of that voice. The presence of Oh Sookyung behind her managed to irritate her further in this moment although he had bȧrėly said anything provoking.

"Why are you asking something as obvious as this? If it isn't you, who will be making me angry? I never thought that I will be getting kidnapped in my life. 

Do you know how much my freedom being restricted irritates me!? I am a free bird, and you shouldn't keep me captured like this. What about my human rights?"

Turning her head back, she glared at the boy, and her actions caused the corner of his lips to curve up to form a smile.

"If you are forgetting, I am the king at here, so that means I make the rules at here. About your human rights, I get to decide them. Plus I have abducted you. I am sure kidnappers don't think something like human rights," he pointed out, "It's foolish of you to expect something like that from who abduct you."

"Well, I don't have the Stockholm Syndrome," she pointed out, "So, don't expect me to hold any kind of good feelings towards you."

"Even if you hate me after this, I will be fine, Daerin-ah," he said, "Because even then, I know that I will be dominating your mind entirely, and as long as that happens, it's fine with me."

Leaning towards her, he brushed away the hair from her face, and Jiwoo's heart started to beat rapidly due to his actions. She cursed at herself for deeming this action of his to be charming. 

The glint in his eyes appeared attractive under this lighting, and as he brushed his tongue over his lower lip, Jiwoo's eyes immediately went towards his red lips. A dėsɨrė to connect her lips with his came over her.

At the sinful thought, she was shocked. Even when she said that she will be resisting him with all her might, she was having such irritating thoughts.

"If you want to kiss me, just do it," he stated, "It doesn't suit you to be a coward or shy, Daerin-ah."

She scoffed and vocalised, "Why in the world would I even want to kiss you? Aren't you getting too much delusional? Tch! I feel irritated just by—"

"Your cheeks are warm," he commented while he cupped his hands around her cheeks.

At his cold touch, Jiwoo's cheeks started to turn redder, and she stated, "Isn't that because of how angry you are making me? Don't misunderstand me! There is no other reason for this behind it. There is no way that I will be warm just because you attract me or something. That's bullshit."

"You are too obvious, Shin Daerin," he spoke out, "To the point that it is cute."

Moon Jiwoo's eyes dilated further, and without saying anything further, he moved closer to her, placing his lips on top of hers.

Instead of pushing him away, she started to kiss him back at the same intensity. Regardless of how much she wanted to run away from him, none of the time did she resist against those kisses of his. This was probably because of how she starting to get addicted to them.

Moon Jiwoo blamed it on because of how much of good kisser he was although she would never verbally admit it, and thinking that it would be a shame to refuse such a good kisser, she just went with the flow— at least that's what she had convinced herself with.

Pulling back from the kiss, he stared at her, and bringing his hand closer to her lips, he brushed her lower lip with his finger. A chill went down Jiwoo's back while he did that.

"I really wish that we were fated to be together. With Eunmi being my fated one, I can sense every single emotion of hers, and it makes me feel connected to her. It's the same with her when it comes to me," he stated.

"Then, just go and be with her. Who told you to come at here?" Moon Jiwoo vocalised while a pout was beginning to form on her face.

Although she was ready to not pursue these feelings of hers, it didn't mean that she will be feeling pleased about Eunmi, regardless of how that girl did not hold any kind of malice towards her. 

Raising his back, he knocked on her head lightly and said, "Stop being salty, and listen to me. Instead of her, I wish I was able to read your emotions. 

The fact that she can read mine and I can do the similar to her makes me feel burdened. Then again, it's a good thing too since I can see that she is being sincere when she said that she will be allowing both of us to be together."

"Don't you talk way too much about her these days? It almost makes it seem like that you are starting to grow feelings towards her, not that I care about it," she stated.

"You sound completely jealous, not that I mind it. It actually makes me quite happy. But don't worry," he voiced out, "Although she is better than you in all aspects, it's you that I like better."

"You ȧsshole, do you want to taste my punch?" she glared at him.

"Nevermind," he answered, "You are better than her. Happy? Now, don't be too jealous! Remember that it is you whom I love the most."


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