The attack with the poision wasn't the last of it. Even after that, there were many attempts to take her life, but everytime, Moon Jiwoo remained to be safe from all of those somewhat. Due to the tight security and smart working of the guards, there hadn't been anything fatal yet.

It seemed that Oh Sookyung wasn't kidding when he said he will put in his utmost best this time around.

However, that wasn't enough to make Moon Jiwoo feel completely safe. These days she avoided leaving her room as much as possible, and for the most part, she stayed around her room, finding that to be the most secure place.

As much as she wanted to visit the garden and calm her mind, she prevented herself from doing so. 

After seeing how Jihoon was able to enter that place, she doubted the security of the place. It's not as if she held any distrust towards that man; it was merely that if he was able to go in, that meant that it would be possible for other people to go as well.

Although less than two weeks were left, she hadn't felt this anxious within this two months. As the time period kept on decreasing, the more frightened she had grown to become.

Taking in a deep breath, she knocked at Oh Sookyung's office. Although the man must be busy over this period of time, she still wanted to pay him a visit as she was too anxious to remain in her room all by herself.

Moreover, Eunmi was present at here as well, and in the presence of both of them, maybe she would be able to feel better. At this rate, the headache forming was starting to get more painful, and she had an urge to throw up.

Having people around whom she trusted might take away the nauseating feeling within her and may allow her to sleep peacefully at night.

Hearing the 'come in' from inside, she pushed open the door slowly, and knowing that Oh Sookyung will be worried after seeing the current expression on her, she placed on a smile upon her features.

The sound she made from opening the door caused Oh Sookyung to hide the document he was going through behind some of the papers, and raising his head to look at Moon Jiwoo, he wore a smile upon his face.

It was obvious to Moon Jiwoo on how he was trying to hide that, and she more or less had a clue on what that possibly could be about. Although she knew that he was trying to plan this as a surprise for her, that didn't indicate that she did not feel pain when he tried to hide that.

A sharp ache went through her ċhėst at the thought of keeping it secretive from her. It made a part of her question whether or not he actually trusted her.

Although he hadn't given her any reasons to have those doubts until now, it was if when one is completely anxious, many types of thoughts tend to go through their mind, and most of them are negative.

Maybe this was one of those situations for Moon Jiwoo. Instead of seeing him making her feel better, it was starting to worsen her mood at this moment, and she desperately hoped for it not to be shown on her face even though he read her like a open book at times.

She would seem too pathetic in his eyes if he got to know of all the worries she had in her mind, and that's one thing she did not want for him to think.

Already she was filled with way more flaws when it came to him, and she did not want him to discover more of her imperfections. Regardless of how confident and proud she acted, Moon Jiwoo knew how she had almost zero postive points.

She was lacking in all the aspects, and no matter how much she tried, she wasn't able to make herself a better person. 

Thinking about it right now, rather than him being unsuitable for her, it was quite the opposite. Judging from how he was, it would not be surprise for him to have a higher standard. Moon Jiwoo knew that someone with higher standards wouldn't go for her.

'What the hell is wrong with you, Jiwoo? Why are you thinking of things like that? This is not like you. Yes, you are troublesome, but it was him who chased after you. Just calm down! This doesn't suit your image!'

"What's wrong? Aren't you going to come in?" Eunmi questioned, raising one of her eyebrows.

Moon Jiwoo's eyes fell on the woman sitting opposite to Oh Sookyung, and it was obvious to Jiwoo how she was helping Sookyung with the documents. It made her jealous that someone shared secrets with Sookyung.

This made her feel as if Sookyung trusted her with secrets that he would not tell about Jiwoo, and probably he was consulting Eunmi about the entire thing as well.

It was clearly seen how both of them held a trust towards each other, and they replied on each other. This was type of relationship Moon Jiwoo and Sookyung will ever be able to help.

Jiwoo could never come close to helping Sookyung, and no matter how much she tried to convince herself that two of them did not see each other in that way, that did not stop herself from feeling insecure.

Although Sookyung did not seem to be a type of guy to do that, she did not think that she would be able to tolerate if the man ever said in the future on how he would be better off with Eunmi. That would truly be killing her.

Moon Jiwoo was pulled back from her trance when she felt someone shake her shoulder, and he eyes fell on Oh Sookyung fell who stood before her. Worry was clearly shown on his face.

Moon Jiwoo realized about how often she made the man before her worry. What if it happens that the man before her gets bored and tired of worrying for her?

"Are you fine? Did something happen? Were you attacked again or something? Hey! What's the matter? Say something," Sookyung voiced out.

Her ċhėst felt heavy, and Moon Jiwoo was unable to say anything. She was afraid that she will be breaking out into tears any second now, and seeing how Eunmi was here as well, it would be too humiliating for that to happen.

Although he had reassured her multiple times on how everything around her was perfectly safe, she did not understand what she was feeling this scared for her. Her heart was beating rapidly within her ċhėst, and she had the urge to shut her mind completely.

Moving Oh Sookyung's hand from her shoulder, she took a step back and said, "I am fine. I just wanted to check up on how you were, but it seems that you are busy. Sorry to interrupt. I will be leaving them. Just get on doing with whatever you were doing. Nothing happened. Yeah, I am absolutely fine."

With that, Moon Jiwoo turned her back on him and was about to leave the room. There was no way she was able to face him when she felt this sick within herself. This ugly side of hers was the one she couldn't show to him.

He can't know about how much she wanted to attack Eunmi that moment and tell her to stay away from Sookyung even though she was a close friend of hers. That disgusting side of hers was close to coming to surface, and there was no way she was able to let that emerge completely.

Everyone will hate her if that happened. Oh Sookyung will be shaken up, and everything will be ruined.

Without wasting a second, she began to hurry up on her legs and began to run away from the place. She had to escape from that place as soon as possible. She could not let herself slip. There was no way she was going to let that happen.

Seeing how Moon Jiwoo was frantically running away from him made the boy quite worried, and staring at her distancing back caused a frown to form upon his features.

He called after her, but seeing how she was not making any response, he was about to run after her. However, before she was able to do that, he was stopped by Lee Eunmi.

"You can go and comfort her later on. Firstly, go after this. You can't postpone for this any longer, your Majesty, or else you will be having problems later on. Moreover, you have to meet that man in an hour."

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