"You two are early at here," Moon Jiwoo voiced out as her eyes lingered on to the two students who stepped into the shop.

Nodding his head, Youngjae spoke out, "Yeah, we had no classes in the morning and decided to drop in to see your boss. After all, I have to check whether or not there is something fishy with him."

"I wanted to see the hot guy," Yura stated, "I have been watching lots of crap these days and need to cleanse my eyes by watching a feast."

"You're disgusting," he said, "I should have left you back at University. I am sure you will be embarrassing me now."

"Do you want to die? I am sure it is you who will be humiliating. Aren't you being too protective over Unnie? She doesn't even care about it, and you are being pathetic right now. I am sure Unnie would be jumping like me at the sight of a hot guy."

"She is not crazy like you. Just because you can't control yourself at the sight of hot guys doesn't mean she will be same as you."

"Shut up! You don't like males, so how will you understand how I feel? I am sure you would do the same like me at the sight of beautiful woman. Stop being such a hypocrite."

"I am sorry, but I am not as shallow as you, and I don't lose my senses that easily. You need to be spanked and taught properly."

"What did you just say, you jerk? Do you need to get beaten up by me, you scumbag?" she voiced out— ready to fight the man.

Seeing both of them reminded of how she and Sookyung used to be in the beginning, and at the thought of that, a chuckle escaped from her mouth. 

Is this how they used to appear in other's eyes?

"If both of you want to start a fight and create a mess, please do go outside. I can't have the new owner firing me over how messy the place is," she said.

"Say Youngjae to do that. He is such an eyesore. He acts as if he is your older brother or something, and it's annoying."

"What's it to you?"

"Then, why do you care so much whether or not I ogle at some dude? That's none of your business as well!"

"I am done with you, Yura. How low can your IQ drop? You are seriously an idiot!"

"Unnie! See that he is insulting me again," she whɨnėd, turning her head to face Moon Jiwoo. "I am smart, right?"

"Look at you crying about stupid things again. What are you? A five year old child? I don't get why you can't grow up by now. Everyday I feel like I am looking after a kid."

"I dare you to say that again! I am not a kid! I am more mȧturė than you."

"What a joke? Do I have to remind you on how many people you ran into and how you almost got ran over by a truck on your way here? You even got hit by the door. Is your head in the clouds or something? I wonder how you are surviving until now."

Moon Jiwoo let out a sigh and said, "I told you to be careful, Yura. This is seriously dangerous. Didn't I tell you to pay more attention to your surroundings?"

"No, I was seriously careful, but then, something just distracted me. And about the truck part, I just wanted to pull away a kitten from the road. I didn't expect for the truck to show up all of a sudden."

"You will give me a heart attack one day over how clumsy you are, Yura," Jiwoo voiced out.

"That's what I am talking about. It's a serious chore to take care of her. I had to drag her everywhere by her collar so that she doesn't get into any kind of accidents. I don't even know why I have to take care of her in the first place."

Glaring at him, Yura exclaimed, "You jerk, I hate you! I am not talking to you ever again!"

Yura stomped on his foot with all of her might, earning a wince from the boy, and she then struck out her tongue at him.

Even Yura and Youngjae looked back, stopping their fight momentarily in order to see who the person was.


Before Moon Jiwoo was able to continue further, her eyes fell on the male who stepped into the shop, and the smile on her face turned stiff. The shock was clearly visible in her eyes, and she gulped.

Her widened eyes showed how she felt right then, and she clutched her hand into a tight fist. Sweat began to form on her forehead and palms as her heart started to beat rapidly within her ċhėst.

She was distinctly able to hear the sound of her heart beating, and subconsciously, she found herself taking a step back. 

The situation right now felt way too unreal to her. She had no clue on how to deal with it, and immediately, she turned her head to look the other way, not wanting to accept the reality.

Oh Sookyung stood in front of that door, and it was clear to on how the male bȧrėly changed over this period of time. He looked just like how he seemed in her memories.

However, one thing that was different about him was those cold eyes of his. Never had he looked at her that coldly, and she could guess his reasoning behind doing so.

It was right of him to hate her after all that had happened, and that caused her ċhėst to squeeze painfully. Although she wanted for him to hate her back then, it did not settle well with her.

Even if she wanted for him to look at her with warmth in his eyes, she knew that wasn't possible any longer after all that she had done. She treated the love and sincerity he showed to her like trash.

Moon Jiwoo couldn't guess why the man was right now, and having him stand before her was too intimidating to her. She had no idea on how to stare at the man before her or how to react to him. Her emotions were all a mess.

There were lots of questions in her mind that she wanted to ask the man, but the courage wasn't there within her to do so. 

She wanted to take another glance at the man, but she wasn't able to bring herself to do so. Moon Jiwoo was trying her best to deny the truth, and looking at him once again would just confirm the reality for her.

More than how much she wanted to see him, she did not want to meet him again. She wanted to avoid him as much as she wanted, but seeing how the man was here now, there was no way she was able to do so.

Another realization sunk into her right then.

It was the fact that he was the new owner to this place. That made sense, seeing how the shop was not open yet as she was waiting for the new owner, and it was about time for him to show up.

Moreover, taking in how he matched the criteria for handsome and young, it was no doubt that he was the new owner to the place, and that just made her feel like more of a mess.

She did not understand why would he be buying this place. Moreover, didn't he have Underworld to take care of? Then, how did he find the time to do something like this?

Judging from how he looked at her, she wasn't able to see any signs of him trying to reconcile with her. From those cold eyes, she was sure that he hated her, and maybe there was a possiblity that he was here to hate upon her.

Although slight, there were chances that she wasn't the reason behind him purchasing this place, and he could have some other motive as well.

"Are you the new owner to this place?" Youngjae questioned, staring at Sookyung.

Sookyung stepped into the place and looked around the place. His eyes landed on Jiwoo for a second before staring at Youngjae.

He nodded his head.

Yura then stated, "Wow! You are really handsome! I feel like as if I am watching an angel. How can a person be this handsome?"

At that moment, Moon Jiwoo mustered up all the courage she was able to and looked back to Oh Sookyung. The second she did that, both of their eyes fell on each other, and Jiwoo found herself growing anxious.

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