Moon Jiwoo all the nerves in her body becoming active after that voice reached into her ears, and there was no way she was able to be calm after hearing that voice.

How unbothered she felt before was no longer there, and she was unable to enjoy the food before her anymore. The impulse to run away from this place came within her.

Although it would seem weird to do something like this in such a place, she was left with no choices. She did not want to give people at here heart attacks and become a hot topic at the news after disappearing out of this place into the thin air.

More than anything, she did not want to confront the male. She was sure of how she will only be making a fool out of herself by facing him and opening her mouth.

She had already given him enough reasons to laugh at, and having to add on to that was one of those things she did not dėsɨrė.

Hearing his voice managed to attract the attention of Youngjae and Yura. It was the to the point that they decided to postpone their fight for later on, and they had their eyes on him.

From his reflection in their eyes, she could see how the male looked. There was no longer than cold expression on his face, and instead of that, there was relief present.

She was envious of him for being able to feel relief at this situation because that was the last thing she was able to feel right then. Her body stiffened while she contemplated on what to do.

Maybe this was her karma for being too unbothered about both of her friends fighting. Since she had been enjoying throughout the entire time they have been fighting, fate decided to give her a suitable punishment for that!

After a glance at Oh Sookyung, both of them shifted their gazes, and with so many eyes on her, she could relate to how an animal felt at a zoo. 

Moon Jiwoo was aware of how she would seem like a coward if she ran away from this situation, and this would just be giving him another reason to laugh. She did not want him snickering at her for being unable to confront him; she did not want anyone to think that she was afraid of him.

Gulping, she took in a deep breath, and pushing the chair back, she stood up. Instead of wearing that friendly smile on her face that she had been showing him ever since he had appeared again— except for some few times— she wore a scowl upon her features.

"Oh Sookyung, it's a surprise seeing you at this place. What do you want? Be quick. The last thing I want to do is waste time with you," Jiwoo rudely vocalised.

"Are you still sulking about it? I thought that your anger will be lessening by now, but it seems that it is not the case. I will come for you few days later then when your anger subsidies."

Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened at how the male acted 

She couldn't believe that he had the audacity to say something like this.

Instead of trying to coax her, he just seemed so casual about it as if it was a norm and was a simple matter. It appeared as if that he was sure that without him making an effort, she will no longer be angry with him.

Although she held no anger towards the make currently, there was no need for him to know that, and judging by the words he had just said, she could feel that her anger was rising.

There was no way she was going to simply take in those words from the male.

"What if my anger never ever goes away? What will you be doing then?"

Oh Sookyung chuckled and stated, "Your anger? I know how you act when you are angry, and honestly, I don't think you look anything close to angry right now. Your reactions when you are angry are too easy to discern. I told you that it is impossible for you to act around towards me."

Moon Jiwoo scoffed, and folding her arms over her ċhėst, she spoke out, "No, I am really angry. I don't want to talk to you! You make me feel disgusted! I feel bile rising up my throat at the thought of you!"

"You are acting cute now. You know that there is no need for you to be embarrassed over this simple matter. I have seen at your worse states, and I don't recall you being this bashful over those. Stop trying to change so much," he stated.

"Are you trying to be cool or something by saying those words? Let me tell you that those sweet talks would not be working with me! 

You still appear stupid in my eyes, and I haven't forgiven you yet! Now, get away from me! I don't want to talk to you! You are ruining my appetite!"

"I don't think you will have any mood to eat after this, and I will treat you to something delicious later on. Now, let's get going," he vocalised.

After that, his gaze fell on Youngjae and Yura before he added, "I am sorry but I will be taking her along with me. There are some important matters we want to talk about."

"Hey! You can't decide something like this without asking me! It's my decision, and I have my freedom. And I don't want to go with you right now! Now, get lost!"

"She is a little stubborn, but we will be taking our leave now then. Bye," Oh Sookyung voiced out.

Wrapping his hand around her wrist, he pulled her away despite of how much the girl resisted against his hold. He did not appear to be bothered by it.

On the other hand, Yura's eyes were on Youngjae for the entire time, and both of her lips were pursed into a thin line when she noticed how the male was staring at Jiwoo's back.

She could only let out a sigh.


Yura and Youngjae walked beside each other inside of the park. The cold air inside of the park felt comforting to both of them.

As Yura's eyes stared at the ground, she wondered about how to start the conversation between both of them without possibly hurting the boy beside him.

She was aware of how much the boy loved Moon Jiwoo, and there was no way he was unaffected by what happened. It seemed that he was holding up on the outside better than she had thought.

"This was because of how lazy you have been. I told you to work hard in the beginning. But now you have let the woman you love be stolen by someone else before you could even get the chance to confess to him.

You are seriously pathetic! The least you could have done is stop her when she was able to be dragged away. You know, the thing those second male leads do in the drama."

"Second male leads," the male enunciated.

"Well, it's your fault that you have turned into a second male lead. You should have worked hard from the beginning. You had a year with her. But what did you do? Nothing! That's why, you are without the girl all this time! This way, you will forever have your woman be stolen away."

"Are you trying to insult me when I am down?" The male questionined, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Well, it was your fault in the first place. You should have just gone along with my plan in the first place, but since everything had just happened to go this way, it's not like we will be able to do anything now. 

It's not as if Unnie is the only woman in the world. You will be finding someone better than her in a matter of time, and first loves are always like this. I have read in a book on how first loves always end up in a heartbreak.

Do you know the amount of person out there who has Suzy has their first love? But can they all end up with her? Even I had Baekhyun Oppa as my first love, but it ended terribly."

"You don't need to worry about me. I knew that it was impossible between both of us from the beginning. Moreover, I am not ready to leave you behind to date yet," he vocalised.

Extending his hand towards her, he patted the top of her head, and lowering her line of sight, she stared at the ground with a blush on her face.

"What are you talking about?"

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