Staying one night at the hotel was not cheap, and considering all the expenses, Jiwoo might would have to be on the streets within a week.

Frugal lifestyle was not something Jiwoo had led before, and although her temptation to buy the better thing was great, she was able to hold it in.

While she ate the cup noodles while sitting in front of the shop, a sigh left her mouth, and staring at the food, she wondered whether or not that would be satisfying her hunger.

She had bȧrėly eaten anything yesterday, and even though she was used to dieting, she did not prefer starving herself without any cause. 

Moon Jiwoo craved for a full, hot meal, and she wondered when she will be getting the opportunity to do so.

Although cup noodles was not something she was that fond of, the flavour was one of her favorite, and therefore, she was able to eat it. Moreover, hunger had ability to make many food taste good.

While Moon Jiwoo concentrated on finishing her noodles, a small kid ran at her direction. Bumping against Jiwoo's table, the small kid fell down, and cries erupted from her.

A kid crying irritated Jiwoo greatly, and turning back to face the kid, Jiwoo was about to shut her up when something caused her to pause her actions.

As the kid sat up, her knee had a scratch upon it, and blood flowed down of it. All of a sudden, it seemed that everything around her ceased to exist, and her focus was solely on the bloody knee.

Jiwoo felt as if her body did not belong to her anymore; to her, it felt that she was being hypnotized by that blood.

The red liquid appeared appetizing to her, and a burning dėsɨrė to get it rose within her. A new type of hunger formed within her while she extended her hand towards it.

Just a taste— Moon Jiwoo was desperate to have a taste of that blood and wanted to check whether or not it tasted as good as it smelled.

While Jiwoo got up from her chair, the little girl's mother instantly ran towards her, and kneeling down, she looked at the little girl.

"Omo! Yoona-ah, look what have happened! I have always told you to be careful. See, now you fell and got hurt. Doesn't it hurt?"

The woman before her irritated Moon Jiwoo, and she had the urge to push her away. The woman was blocking her way from that delicious red liquid; Jiwoo wanted to destroy anyone who laid on her path to that little girl's blood.

"Stop, Moon Jiwoo, stop! Snap out of it! You are not yourself! Don't get controlled by your thirst for blood."

Those words of Minnie drove Jiwoo back from her trance, and blinking her eyes couple of times, Jiwoo tried to process what had just happened. She almost lost complete control over herself.

Staring at the cup noodles on top of the table, Jiwoo no longer found herself having appetite for it, and in order to not make a reckless decision, she instantly walked away from the scene.

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