'You are telling me that I am stuck in a body of a thirteen year old forever? Fuck! Do you even think I will accept that?!'

Moon Jiwoo felt beyond angry. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and a frown sat upon Jiwoo's face. Her hands were tightly clenched, and she desperately wanted to punch the nearest thing to her.

"At least, you're talking in your mind now, Host 002," Minnie mumbled.

"You have transmigrated into the body of Shin Daerin— a twenty year old, not thirteen. If you wish to go back, you'll be dead anyway because remember, you died. Moreover, you can meet Chaeyoung in this life of yours if you complete the missions," Minnie voiced out.

Hearing that, Moon Jiwoo's temper calmed slightly and waited for Minnie to continue. As long as she got to meet Chaeyoung again, Jiwoo was alright with living as this Daerin person— only if more luxury was provided.

"After you have died as Jiwoo, you were chosen by fate to transmigrate into this body, and if you want to meet Oh Chaeyoung, there are three missions you need to complete— Protect the heir to the throne, return him to his rightful place, and get him to be with his queen."

'Prince? Am I not in South Korea anymore!? Yah! How am I going to find Chaeyoung to deal with if I am not in South Korea?'

"Just shut up and listen to me!" Minnie exclaimed— her voice clearly showing frustration.

'Don't you dare use that tone with me, You in my head. After ruining my life, you owe me an explanation!'

Minnie scoffed. Knowing how Moon Jiwoo can be, Minnie decided to not argue any further with her for that is merely a waste of time.

"Listen, Moon Jiwoo, you're in South Korea, Seoul. You changed just occupied the body of someone else, and there are many things that are kept in dark. What I am going to explain to you is very important, so just silently listen without saying anything," Minnie vocalised.


"Humans are divided into three clans— Red, Yellow, and Blue," Minnie started, "Each Clan differs from each other by a couple of traits, and you, Moon Jiwoo, belonged to Yellow Clan."

Moon Jiwoo rolled her eyes.

'How much of a fool do you take me for? If something such existed, it would have been definitely taught in school. So, stop saying random shits, and get to the point.'

"Moon Jiwoo, do you not listen properly!? I clearly mentioned on how this matter is kept in the dark, so how would you know about this in the first place?" Minnie vocalised.

Minnie then added, "Your dumbness just astounds me."

"Nevermind. Now, please, I beg of you to stay silent. Members of Red Clan, Yellow Clan, and Blue Clan differ due to their genetic material. I hope you know what that means."

Jiwoo scoffed.

'Of course I know. I am not as dumb as you after all.'

"That's funny. Anyway, members of Red Clan possesses types of abilities— which you might call as supernatural powers— and heightened physical abilities.

They require blood to survive, and their requirement depends on Class they belong to. Talking about Class, there are seven classes. On top of this is the King or the Prince, and your first mission is to protect this Prince.

Leaders come second, and they take decisions over almost all the situation within the Red Clan. There are Seven Leaders currently with the following surnames— Kim, Han, Min, Lee, Oh, Hwang, and Seo.

The pure-bloods hold the similar position as the Leaders in terms of abilities. Pure-bloods are those who hold no percentage of Yellow Clan's gene. The more the Yellow Clan's gene a Red Clan's member holds, the weaker the Red Clan's member is and, therefore, belongs to a lower class. Percentage—"

'Stop! Stop! Slow down! If you keep on dumping all of these like this, I will forget it. Do it one at a time!'

The new information shocked Moon Jiwoo greatly. Jiwoo is not exactly a fan of the fantasy genre and has no interest in getting involved with such things. The only thing that mattered to Jiwoo is taking revenge upon Chaeyoung.

Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened, and she had to hold in the smile which was persisting to form on her face. The photographic memory is the only thing Jiwoo had liked about this body so far.

Everything Minnie had previously said was vivid in Jiwoo's mind, and she tried to absorb in all the information. Although few parts were confusing, she more or less understood almost everything.

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