Both Moon Jiwoo and Oh Sookyung stood on the ground, and before them was Min Hyungwon. Both of them had dirt upon their clothing, and scratches and wounds can be seen upon their body, which was healing. 

"Are you two some elementary kid? Is this how you expect to fight when you meet your enemies?" Hyungwon questioned— his voice displaying the anger.

"Why? Can't I fight like this?" Jiwoo questioned before adding, "I think this is perfectly fine."

Letting out a sigh, Hyungwon looked at Jiwoo and spoke out, "Only you think that it is fine! You two need to be more serious and not fight as if you are kids. What would even other people think of you two?"

"I don't see anything wrong with this though. If it went on, I could have defeated Shin Daerin, and it's alright as long I win, right? You didn't give us any other rules," Sookyung pointed out.

Before Min Hyungwon was able to correct the wrong in Sookyung's words, Moon Jiwoo turned to look at him and glared at him.

Glaring at him, she vocalised, "Yah! You loser! What makes you say that! I bet that I would have won if this was continues. After all, I made more attacks on you then you made me on me."

"Well, probably you made more moves, but mine were more effective. I am more strategic than you, You Fool!" Sookyung spoke out.

"Who are you calling a fool, You Thief? And my moves were more effective than yours admit it or not. I know better than—"

"Shut up, you two, and silently listen to me! Pardon my rudeness, Sookyung. None of your moves were strategic. How do you think it would look upon you, the Prince, if you fight like that?" Hyungwon voiced out.

Shrugging his shoulders, Sookyung answered, "No idea, I am not into action movies mostly."

"Ah! You are into teen romance, right? From there, you learned your fighting, right? You know, the ones between highschool females. You exactly fought like that; it brought back my highschool memories," Jiwoo commented as her eyes showed mock towards him.

"Judging from how you fought today, I am sure you were involved in such fights in the highschool. I am guessing that you never had a boyfriend. No matter how girly you act, you are still too violent to date," Sookyung stated, "If I was in your highschool, I would have stayed away from you as well."

"What are you— one of those timid scaredy cats?" Jiwoo raised one of her eyebrows.

"Ah! So, it seems that all of the boys in your school was timid scaredy cats. What a coincidence!" Sookyung let out a chuckle.

"Yah! Oh Sookyung, do you want your nose to be in the same shape!" Jiwoo exclaimed, raising her fist.

Her eyes clearly displayed her anger, and it showed how she would not resist to throw that fist at Sookyung.

Arching both of his eyebrows, Oh Sookyung curved his lips to form a small smirk and vocalised, "Do you have the guts to throw that at me?"

"Are you challenging me?" Jiwoo asked through her gritted teeth.

As she was about to throw a punch at Oh Sookyung, she found her fist being grabbed by someone, and finding that force against her hand being disturbing, she raised her head to glare at Min Hyungwon.

No matter how much she struggled, it was not possible for her to overcome Hyungwon's strength, and at last, she let out a sigh while continuing to stare daggers at Hyungwon.

"What? You don't dare to throw that punch on me? You are really a scaredy cat— like all of those boys in your school that did not want to date you! Shin Daerin, you are a loser!" Laughs escaped from Sookyung's mouth.

"Can you let go of my fist?" Jiwoo questioned sternly.

However, Min Hyungwon shook his head. Aggravated by the two of them, Moon Jiwoo raised her leg in order to attack him. She managed to maintain her balance while she directed an attack at Sookyung.

Instantly, noticing that, Sookyung jumped back an appropriate distance from her in order to prevent that.

"Yah, you coward! Fight me if you can instead of running away!" she exclaimed.

"I am not exactly running away. I am avoiding your attack. You don't expect me to get attacked by you like a fool. Do you know how much of an idiot you seem like right now, Shin Daerin?"

Moon Jiwoo clenched her hand into a tight fist before looking back at Min Hyungwon. She was well aware of how she had to get him to loosen his grip on her fist, and she began to cook ideas in her mind to do that. However, against his strength, no possible things came inside her mind.

"Moon Jiwoo, do you know how pathetic you look? You really are like a joke now! No matter how much you want to hurt me, you would not be able to do it because of your instinct! It's funny, right?" Sookyung stated while wearing a smirk on his face— his words chosen to provoke Moon Jiwoo.

Anger rose within Moon Jiwoo, and at this point, she found it difficult to control within herself. Although there was an instinct in her, she found that blurring away at that moment. 

"Sookyung, you should not be exactly—"

Before Min Hyungwon was able to continue, his hold on Moon Jiwoo's fist loosen, and within a matter of second, he collapsed on the ground. A jolt of electricity went through his hand in that instant.

When the sound of his body touching the ground reached into her ear, Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened, and her anger suddenly went down. She felt something radiating from her before he fell down although she was able to exactly pinpoint it.

Nevertheless, seeing how he laid on the floor, she immediately drove that though at the back of her mind, and with concerned eyes, she looked at Min Hyungwon.

On the other hand, the smirk on Hyungwon's face disappeared, and a worried expression sat on his face while he moved towards the body laying on the floor.

Staring at the unconscious man, he turned to look at Jiwoo accusingly and questioned, "What did you do to him?"

Startled by his sudden question, she spoke out, "What do you mean I have done something to him? He was just gripping on my hand one second, and the next moment, he fainted."

Oh Sookyung turned his head slightly to gaze at Jiwoo and could see the fright in her eyes. Seeing how she was close to panicking, he decided upon not pushing her further.

Bending down to Hyungwon's height, he reached his hand to his ċhėst and placed his hand there. Distinctly hearing his heart beats, he raised his head to look at Moon Jiwoo.

He then voiced out, "I can perfectly hear his heartbeats. Let's just carry him in and wait for him to wake up."


Both of their eyes were on Hyungwon who laid on the couch, and he had his eyes closed. Nervousness could be seen upon Jiwoo's face as she paced around the room while she bit into her lower lips.

As for Oh Sookyung, his eyes were upon Moon Jiwoo— staring at her boredly— while he said, "Stop walking around; it's disturbing."

Paying no attention to those words of his, she looked at him with worried eyes and spoke out, "What if he never wakes up? What do we do then? It's already been four hours by now!"

"If he doesn't wake up, we can just abandon him at here and run away. It's not like we did anything wrong in the first place," Sookyung vocalized.

"How can you say that? Isn't it too rude? Then again, I suppose abandoning him sounds the best option. What if he is already dead? Let's get out of here," Jiwoo spoke out.

"You are right. Let's wait for about half an hour before running away. I don't want to get in more trouble than I am already in," Sookyung stated.

"Unfortunately, I am not dead yet."

Hearing that voice, Jiwoo's eyes widened, and she turned her head to look at the man on the the couch. Sookyung did the same as well.

"You finally woke up! I was really scared that I will be taken in for a murder suspect," Jiwoo commented.

"Aish! Shin Daerin, you should not say those words out loud! You will end up offending those around you," Sookyung spoke out.

"What's wrong with those word of mine? You were thinking the same as me as well," she pointed out.

"If the police had come, I would have handed you over to them. After all, you were the last one he has a contact with."

"Yah! I still owe you a punch and kick from earlier! I don't mind delivering them to you right now!"

"Shut up, You Two Insolent Brats!" Hyungwon exclaimed.

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