Transmigration: The Narcissistic Cinderella

Chapter 67 - Jealous Little Girl [2]

"Are you getting angry? Omo! Are you? This is really too simple!" Sookyung voiced out into her ear as two of them walked towards the dinner room. Around two weeks had passes since both of them have started staying at this place, and although this period of time has not been entirely pleasant, gradually, Jiwoo was starting to not mind this place. Everything was starting to feel more normal to her as time passed by. Over this period of time, both her and Sookyung had countless challenges when it came to angering Moon Jiwoo. Although she had faced couple of defeats, she had won at times as well. "No, of course not. I am perfectly fine. You are not worth missing the trip to the city over," she pointed out. Even though Oh Sookyung was quite annoying to her in the beginning, she was starting to get accustomed to living with him, and compared to before, her patience when it came to him expanded. Compared to before, she had grown to become more mȧturė under Hyungwon's guidance, and due to the intensive training, her strength had amplified a lot from before as well.  One thing Jiwoo was most proud of was how she managed to make Hyungwon and Sookyung impressed by her progress. As for that man who always saved her, she did not get to meet him again or get the opportunity to get his name. Although she was disappointed about it in the beginning, gradually, she began to not mind about it much. Extending his index finger towards her, Sookyung poked at Jiwoo's cheeks and spoke out, "Oh! Is that so? You have really gotten better at it. Wouldn't it be better if you skipped the dinner for today? You should look at your cheeks; they have really gotten fatter. Weren't you complaining the other day on how none of your clothes fit you?" Moon Jiwoo coughed and stated, "Quit making up baseless lies. When did I mention about that? I believe that I train enough, but the same could not be said for you. Thief, you are really lazy, and it is really disappointing. How can a Prince of a nation be as lame as you? You bring shame upon all the Princes girls dream of." "How would understand my pain? You are not the one who has to stay drowned in book for more than half of the day. Those books are terrible! It would be better if our positions were exchanged, but too bad, you are not as smart as me," he spoke out. "Is that the only thing you can say, weakling? No matter how smart you are, I can make you disappear at this instant. I already learned teleportation, and—" Before Moon Jiwoo was able to continue further, a sharp pain went through her forehead, and a gasp escaped from her mouth. Stumbling slightly back, she raised her hand and touched the corner of her forehead, rubbing it softly. But the pain that permeated through it was really strong and was starting to blur her line of sight. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes as her ċhėst squeezed tightly. Noticing her current state, Oh Sookyung's eyes widened, and extending his hand towards her, he placed it on her shoulder. His eyes displayed concern as he questioned, "What's the matter?" She managed to stutter out, "I-It h-hurts!" Moon Jiwoo felt as if her neck was being strangled by someone, and she found it difficult to breath in that moment. She did not know how long she would be able to keep standing without falling down, and she was losing strength in her leg too fast. Although she had gotten used to constant pains like this, this was stronger than anything she had faced previously, and as she pressed her eyelids shut, a droplet of tear fell down her cheeks. Before she was able to fall backwards, Moon Jiwoo felt her wrist being gripped by someone, and Sookyung pulled her closer to him. After that, he had carried her into a princess style. She coughed multiple times at that, and his actions caught her by surprise. She did not expect for someone like Oh Sookyung to attempt to carry her. However, at the ache that spread through her entire body made it hard to think straight, and a groan escaped from her mouth. Moon Jiwoo's eyes then fell towards Oh Sookyung's neck, and his pale neck appeared quite appetizing to her. There was a burning dėsɨrė within her to taste the blood from that neck of his. As time passed by, the scent of Sookyung's blood was starting to get stronger, and it took great self-control from her in order to not bite into his neck. Her fangs were already starting to extend, and to avoid biting into Sookyung, she bit into her lower lip, causing blood to flow out of it. Even though a sharp pain went through her lip, it felt dull compared to her rest of the body being in pain. Couple of groans left her mouth as sweat formed on her face, and her body was starting to feel hotter. "Just hold it in for a couple of seconds. We are already at here," Sookyung vocalised. At that moment, she could sense the warmth and concern in Sookyung's voice— something she took to be quite surreal— and thought that her situation made her perceive it in that way. Carrying her in his hand, Oh Sookyung pushed open the door before him and stepped into the dining room. His eyes then fell upon Min Hyungwon, who was enjoying his food, and hearing the noise, Hyungwon raised his head to stare at Moon Jiwoo. Moon Jiwoo, on the other hand, had a wave of fatigue hit her over as her body was starting to go numb suddenly, and she was bȧrėly able to make out what was happening in her surroundings. Her eye lids were closing gradually, and she did not have the strength within her to keep them open. "I will get her the blood. Sookyung, you can't let her fall asleep or else the situation might get serious," Min Hyungwon vocalised. Oh Sookyung nodded his head and stared at the girl at his hand. Hyungwon slid his chair back, and as it screeched against the floor, he stood up from his place before walking towards the kitchen. "Shin Daerin, are you sleeping? You heard what he said, right? You can't sleep or else you will die. Want to make a bet? Let's see whether or not you sleep. You will be the one to lose if you fall asleep, and the loser will have to be the winner's faithful servant for a week." Seeing that Moon Jiwoo was not making any type of response to that, he added, "Yah! Are you already asleep? Doesn't that mean that you have already lost to this bet? Cinderella, if you don't open your eyes at the count of three, I will drop your body to the ground. You are too fat, and I don't think I will be able to hold you on much further." Coughs escaped from Moon Jiwoo's mouth as she gradually opened her eyes and vocalised, "S-Shut up! You are annoying!" "So, you did not fall asleep? I thought you already died, and I had to prepare your funeral. How are you feeling? Does it hurt? Do you need to lay down somewhere?" Oh Sookyung's voice did not feel at all irritating to her in that instant strangely enough, and she leaned her head against his ċhėst. Shockingly, she found his embrace being comforting. "No, b-be like this," she spoke out. "Geez! Good for you to enjoy this! My hands are on the verge on giving up! I already mentioned to you before on how fat you are. Shin Daerin, you better go on a proper diet after this is over," he vocalised. "Don't talk," she said, "I-I w-won't f-fall a-asleep." Moon Jiwoo could feel Oh Sookyung's panicked heart beats and sense how panicked he was at that moment. It gave her a moment of joy. "You better not go back on those words of yours," he stated, "I know how you much of a loser you tend to be, so don't you dare give up! I swear if you close your eyes, I will be taking you to the jungle in order to feed you to the wolves. Remember that you would not be given a proper funeral." "Sookyung, I believe that is enough. You will get beaten up too much for the words you had uttered such now. I am over here with the blood. Let's get her to the living room, so that she is able to drink the blood properly," Hyungwon stated as he appeared into the dining room. Held within his hand was a glass of red blood, and as the scent of that wafted into Moon Jiwoo's nostrils, a throb went through her ċhėst. She found her fangs extending further, and the dėsɨrė to go towards it came at her.

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