Transmigration: The Narcissistic Cinderella

Chapter 80 - Control her mouth [2]

"You scared me!" Moon Jiwoo exclaimed as she took a step back.

While she stood on the dark corridor, Moon Jiwoo raised her head and saw that Han Minhyun was standing there. His back leaned against the wall, and his dark eyes stared at her.

As creases appeared between both of her eyebrows, Moon Jiwoo turned her back on him and was about to walk away.

"Halt," Minhyun said.

However, Moon Jiwoo had no dėsɨrės to listen to his words. Recalling about all that had happened in her previous life made her blood boil.

As she continued walking, Minhyun asked, "What grievances do you have with me?"

Upon his words, she stopped in her steps, and whipping her head back, she raised one of her eyebrows at him. It seems that he was as perspective as always. 

"What makes you think that? It is of course difficult for me to hate the mighty Han Minhyun," Jiwoo said— her tone dripping with sarcasm. 

"Did I do anything?" he questioned.

Curving both of her lips to form a smile, she asked, "What happened to Moon Jiwoo? Is she still alive?"

This was the first question she wanted to ask him the moment she had met him. He was one of those few who was acquainted with Moon Jiwoo, and he is only one she would be able to get the answers from. 

Han Minhyun did not know much about her in her previous life, so it would make sense for him to not doubt the relationship between her and Moon Jiwoo.

"Why are you asking about Moon Jiwoo? If you are concerned about that, I can tell you that she is alive," Minhyun vocalised.

Moon Jiwoo had a smirk forming on her face, and folding her arms over her ċhėst, she said, "Is that so? Then, if she is alive, I believe that you have no problem with letting her meet me? You see, I am an old acquaintance of Moon Jiwoo, and the only clue to her I have is you."

Moon Jiwoo did not believe the words of Han Minhyun. It was either that he was trying to hide the matter of her death or Minhyun did not know the current situation of her. That was understandable, considering how the man bȧrėly knew about anything when it was related to her.

"No, if it's about that, you will be meeting her sooner or later. Since she is married to me, it will be common for you to run into her," he vocalised.

The confidence in his tone caused her eyes to widen, and she took a step back. His tone showed how Jiwoo was alive, and she found herself confused on whether or not to believe it.

If she was alive as he had ȧssumed to be, could it be that her body was occupied by someone else? Who could that be?

Moon Jiwoo coughed and said, "Alright then. I will be taking my leave, and don't you dare lie to me about the entire thing. I swear I will kill you if that's the case."

In her last life, she was completely intimidated by Han Minhyun, and it was difficult for her speak more than few words in front of him. However, right now, she felt no amount of fear in front of him, and the deadly aura around him did not affect her at all.

A wide smile formed on Moon Jiwoo's face at that, and she felt victorious. The last thing she needed right now was getting nervous before Han Minhyun and stuttering.

"Who is Moon Jiwoo?"

As the cold breath hit her ear, she knew who the person was judging by his voice, and while On Sookyung leaned against her shoulder, Moin Jiwoo raised her hand to place it before his forehead, trying to push him away.

"Get away from me! And that is none of your business!" she exclaimed.

Oh Sookyung moved his head away from the nape of her neck, and standing before her, he extended his hand towards her to grab both of her hands. 

After glancing down at her hand once, she raised her head to stare at him with curiosity and arched one of her eyebrows. She wondered what he was up to right now.

"Want to go on a date?" Oh Sookyung asked.

Hearing his words caused Moon Jiwoo's eyes to immediately widen, and she vocalised, "What?"

The horror showed in Jiwoo's eyes, and seeing that, Sookyung protruded his bottom lip forward, causing a pout to form upon his face. 

Looking down at the ground, he moved Jiwoo's hand slowly and spoke out, "You don't have to make such a expression. It hurts if you do. Daerin-ah, let's go on a date."

"No, no, no, no! There is no way I am going on a date with you. I don't want to ruin my first date by going out with you. I want it to be perfect," Moon Jiwoo stated as she stared at Oh Sookyung with scorn in her eyes.

This was not exactly Moon Jiwoo's first date. However, this was indeed her first date in Shin Daerin's body, and even though Jiwoo was not much of a romantic person, she wanted her first date to be perfect.

Hearing her words caused a chuckle to escape from Oh Sookyung's mouth, and as surprise showed in his eyes, he said, "Wow! First date? Shin Daerin, how unattractive were you to not have a man ask you as of this age?"

"That's because I want it to be completely perfect. The first date is the memory I will always recall, and I don't want to be tainted it in any way. Both of us can hang out together, but there is no way in hell we are going on a date. The thought of going on a date with my own son is creepy," Moon Jiwoo expressed.

Extending his hand towards her, Sookyung flicked on her forehead, and while an irked expression settled on his face, he said, "Your son? Is that how you treat me?"

"Not exactly, but I do have motherly feelings towards you, seeing how my instincts are concerned with protecting you. You should try to call me mother in the future," she vocalised while a smug expression appeared on her face.

"There is no way I am going to do that. Incest turns me off greatly, so don't talk about me going into it," Sookyung said, pulling on a disgusted expression.

"Incest? Wow! When did I pull you into something like that? I just told you to treat me like your mother and respect me," she stated.

"Then, I would not be able to look at you in this way and do this," Sookyung said.

As the look in his eyes darkened, he brought his face closer to Moon Jiwoo's, and all of a sudden, his face caused her body to freeze.

From this angle, she found his face being quite attractive, and it was difficult for her to tear her eyes away from him. She started to scan all of his distinct features, and something stirred up within her ċhėst.

As Sookyung's lips parted slightly, he brought his face over to her and planted those lips on her cheeks. 

After he had pulled away from her, she noticed how he licked his lips, and raising her hand, she brushed her index finger over her ċhėst.

The realization dawned upon her, and her cheeks began tinted with red— the reason behind which remained unknown to her. Raising her leg, she was about to kick upon his shin.

That's when, Oh Sookyung noticed the movement of hers, and extending his hands towards her, he gripped on to her wrist, pulling her body closer to his.

As her body hit against his ċhėst, he wrapped his hands around her waist and said, "You should stop trying to underestimate me at this point. I have grown to become stronger now, so these weak movements would not be able to stop me. Next time you make such lousy attacks, I will take it that you don't mind being kissed by me."

Raising her head to stare at him, her eyes stared daggers at him while she questioned, "How horny are you right now? Why don't you get an one night stand or something? I am pretty sure that there are no orders against it, and while you have sėx the entire night, I don't mind guarding you."

"What if the girl I want is you?" Sookyung asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

Pulling on a bored expression, she responded, "You should stop having high expectations then. There is no way someone like you is able to date someone as beautiful like me. You should just go after someone who is up to your status."

Laughter escaped from Sookyung's mouth at that that, and pulling Jiwoo into a tight hug, he said, "This is why I like you this much."

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