"Oh my god! This is beautiful! Although I have seen snow before, this is just a view on another level," Moon Jiwoo commented— her eyes showing a sparkle in them.

Oh Sookyung and Moon Jiwoo travelled through the portal to appear in the Underworld— the place where those from the Red Clan resided. 

Snowy fields stretched far into the horizon, and distant houses could be seen from where they were. The icicles that hung off of some of the trees and shone made the view more beautiful.

"It's hard to believe that this is all natural," Sookyung expressed.

Both of them were told to wait at the place they travelled through the portal at and given clear instructions on how someone will be coming to take them.

Moon Jiwoo bent down to her knees, and extending her hand, she touched the white snow. Picking some of them with her hand, she watched them slip down her hand.

"It is cool to touch snow like that without feeling cold or getting frostbite," Moon Jiwoo voiced out, "I liked watching it snow, but did not like the snow itself because of how unpleasant the cold felt. I guess being from Red Clan solves that.

"Do you want to play around? No one knows when that man might show up, and standing here would be just boring," Sookyung said.

Upon hearing his words, Jiwoo raised her head to look at him, and as a sparkle appeared in her eyes, she nodded. A chuckle escaped from Sookyung's mouth at how cute she appeared.

"There are lots of things I want to do with the snow. I was not able to do it due to my dislike towards the cold," Jiwoo spoke out.

"At times like this, you really resemble a kid," Sookyung expressed.

Folding her arms across her ċhėst, Moon Jiwoo rolled her eyes and said, "It's not my fault that this body of mine looks as if it is thirteen or fourteen."

"That's an exaggeration," Sookyung voiced out, "Let's build a snowman first."

"Yeah! Let's do that! I never did it, so just guide me," Jiwoo voiced out.

"Your arrogance really decreased from the first time we met," he stated, "It is surprising to see that we can have such moments as well."

Glaring at the man before her, Moon Jiwoo questioned, "Do you want to get beaten up badly due to ruining the atmosphere?"


"Too bad that we don't have anything for its eyes, nose, and hands," Moon Jiwoo commented, staring at the snowman they made from top to bottom.

"This is what you have to make do with right now. It is a foreign sensation to build a snowman without getting my fingers almost numb due to the cold," Sookyung spoke out.

At that moment, a idea came inside of Sookyung's mind, and his hand gripped on to the white snow. As his lips curved to form a smirk, he raised his hand.

Noticing the snow in his hand, Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened, and standing up clumsily, she stumbled backwards couple of steps, knowing Oh Sookyung's intentions. 

"No! That would ruin my hair, Oh Sookyung," Moon Jiwoo stated, raising her hands.

However, paying no heeds to those words of hers, Sookyung threw the snow at her direction, and feeling the coldness, anger rose within Moon Jiwoo.

Raising her hand, she touched her hair, and feeling the remnants of the snow in them, a groan escaped from her mouth.

"Oh Sookyung! You bastard, let's—"

Before she was able to continue further, another pile of snow hit her face— some of it getting into her mouth, which she had to spat out— and Jiwoo clenched her hand into a tight fist.

"Are you trying to make me angry?" she questioned.

An innocent smile formed on Sookyung's face as he shook his head and said, "I am just playing around just like you said. Snowball fight is the best thing to do outside in the snow."

"Even if it is, I don't want my hair to be a mess, so let's just stop this—"

"That does it," she stated, running her finger through her hair.

Bending down, she grabbed some snow in her hand and targeted towards Oh Sookyung. Seeing the snow come in contact with his body caused a wide grin to form upon her face.

"Shin Daerin, let's see who can hit the other the most. This will be fun!" he spoke out.

"Since my hair is already ruined, I might as well join on it. Oh Sookyung, I will make you lose for sure," she stated.


Two of them lied on the snowy field, and they were were covered in snow. A relaxed expression sat on their faces.

Moon Jiwoo tilted her body to face Oh Sookyung and spoke out, "I believe that I have won this. Surely, I hit you more than you hit me. Does it even make sense for you win against me?"

"Heol! How confident can you get, Shin Daerin?" he questioned.

"This is self-awareness. I know about how good I am at this kind of thing, so it is natural that I am the winner," Moon Jiwoo stated.

"Tch! For your information, the number was not counted, and there is nothing confirming that tog have won, Shin Daerin. Your ċȯċky attitude is irritating," he stated.

"Isn't it normal for you to lose against me?" she asked.

"I really want to punch you now, Shin Daerin," he spoke out.

"Why? Because I hurt your ego? Then, punch me. I will make to sure to deliver a punch hundred times more powerful than that," Jiwoo said.

"Alright. I will be the better person since I don't want a fight to break out at here," Sookyung stated, "But this was refreshing."

"I guess that could have been said for it if you hadn't ruined my hair completely. Do you know how mucb effort I even put into it?" Moon Jiwoo voiced out— her tone showing her frustrations.

"It's alright. You look beautiful with however you look; didn't you say that before?" Sookyung expressed.

Before Moon Jiwoo was able to respond, both of them heard footsteps, and at that, they abruptly sat up on the snow. Raising their head, they looked at the man who had appeared.

"Hello! I am sorry for being late. Something came up, and this just slipped my mind for a second. I am Hwang Yejoon, and Minhyun Hyung told me to guide you both at here," the man said.

Both Moon Jiwoo and Oh Sookyung stood up. Staring at the man from top to bottom, Jiwoo found the man being quite good looking, and he appeared to be someone easy to get along with that bright smile upon his face.

"Both of us had fun in the snow anyway," Sookyung said, "I am Oh Sookyung, and this is Shin Daerin. Both of us are in your care."

Probably noticing how on guard Sookyung was at, Yejoon let out a chuckle and said, "You can relax. I am on Minhyun Hyung's side, but it can not be said for the rest at here.

Just make sure to maintain a low profile, and you can't let your identity to be leaked out. I will take you to a inn, and over there, the rest of the things can be discussed."

Sookyung nodded.

Then, turning to look at Moon Jiwoo, Hwang Yejoon winked at her and expressed, "And lovely lady, I am pretty sure both of us will be having a pleasant time together. Just let me know if you need any company, and I will be there."

Instantly, Moon Jiwoo's nose scrunched up to show her disgust, and she shook her head fervently before saying, "I don't think I will be needing it."

Sookyung let out a chuckle and spoke out, "Hwang Yejoon-ssi, she is not someone you can get along with that easily. With her temper, she will be too much for you to handle."

"Yah! You bastard! What are you trying to make me into? I am perfectly capable of getting along with others," Jiwoo stated, "It is just that you who I despise."

Yejoon chuckled and said, "Taming wild ladies are fun. I am looking forward to it!"

"Do you both believe that I will be punching you to the point that you will be crying in pain if you don't shut your nonsense? And Yejoon-ssi, it would be pleasant if you did not talk that way. I don't know when I might lose control over my anger," Jiwoo spoke out.

"I am pretty sure it's not like anything I can't handle, so it is alright," Yejoon expressed, "When I see beautiful woman like you, I am unable to control myself."

"You are disgusting. Although I am attractive, I don't need those words from you," Moon Jiwoo retorted— staring at the man sternly.

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