“Maiden Cheng, do allow me to explain to you the dire situation we arefacing here!”

Grandmaster Wudao took a look at Nun Saochen and carried on, “Not toolong ago, we returned to our respective monastery in Lingnan and we brought upthe breakthrough of Elder Ying to our other school mates in the monasteries andthat we are looking forward to Maiden Cheng figuring out the underlying reasonhere. This is not only our hope, but the hope of all cultivators on thiscontinent!

“Similarly, Nun Saochen also returned to Yuni Sect and brought this upto the abbesses in her monastery. The two apex martial emperor abbesses wereall very happy upon hearing the news. Especially the senior abbess of YuniSect, given her age, we speculate she has a few more years left. And there isno guarantee… could be a few years, could be a few months, could even be a fewdays….

“When a cultivator had reached this point, their lives are no longer intheir own hands. At any moment we could depart with unfinished business. Had wenot learned about Elder Ying and his breakthrough, we would have given up hopesby now. But we have something to look forward to now and nobody wanted to giveup easily. After all, we have been cultivating for so long, we’d all like tobreakthrough, so….”

When he got here, Cheng Xiao Xiao completely understood what he wastrying to say. The senior abbess of Yuni was already waiting for her time tocome behind closed door. But now that she had heard about what happened to OldMan Ying, she no longer wanted to just wait compliantly!

Cheng Xiao Xiao frowned and went silent. Grandmaster Wudao and NunSaochen exchanged a look; neither one of them dared to distract her.

Cheng Xiao Xiao was actually communicating with little Yuteng at themoment trying to figure out what had happened.

“Young mistress, when it comes to this, I really don’t have a definitiveanswer. But preliminarily I think it has to do with our dimension. You know howthe dimension has the effect of sacred contract when others enter into it? Ithink that’s the key to releasing them from their original curse and allowingthem to breakthrough beyond apex martial emperor level. It may not be just ourmystical water and mystical potions!”

“Now that they are all aware of this and asked for my help. What do youthink I should do? I can’t possibly collect them all into the dimension. Thatwas probably not a very good idea. Even though our dimension has reached level60 and have stronger binding ability, perhaps we can bind a few individuals. Ifwe were to bring them in as masses, I worry the binding property willdecrease.”

“Young mistress, you mean you worry that once they were able tobreakthrough martial emperor, they’d regret and perhaps even kill you to bereleased from the contract?”

Little Yuteng could communicate with Cheng Xiao Xiao telepathically, itwas only natural that she could understand her concerns and immediately pointedit out.

Cheng Xiao Xiao said helplessly,“Right? I don’t want to hand my life over into the hands of someone else. We’vegot to keep in mind that once they have become martial monarch, they would beeven more prideful. How could they stand being our servant? I don’t think so. Maybeone or two we would still be able to keep under control. But then there will bemore and more people reaching out to us for help. Then what? Do we help them ordo we not? They will all have their own agendas. I don’t want to do all thefavors and ended up being killed!

“Little Yuteng, these so-called cultivators aren’t exactly saints. Theywould do anything for their own benefits. And they are not even a family memberof mine. I am not so generous that I will share the secret of my dimension.That’s not showing off that I am all that, that’s just straight up idiotic. Badidea, definitely bad idea!”

“Young Mistress, you do what you want. So what if we don’t help them?There’s nothing they can do about it!” replied little Yuteng indifferentlybefore she continued, “Oh yeah, the crystal fruits grew some more but still alittle ways away to maturing. If young mistress wants to go up on yourcultivation level, you probably should wait a little longer; otherwise it mightbackfire on you and ruined your foundation. Now that we have just levelled up,we are going to need a whole lot more mystical stones if we want to level upagain. Just like young mistress said, if we can’t control those people, thingsjust might not work out in our favor.”


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