He knew that his appearance caused a lot of trouble.

It also brought him a lot of distress.

But now, seeing mi you Ning absent-minded, he has different feelings.

Seems to have no previous upset, and even very satisfied.

Tang Jin went to miyuning step by step.

See standing in front of the man, handsome face has her eyes thoroughly absorbed.

When she reacted, she stepped back two steps.

Seeing her back, Tang Jin smiles in a low voice and reaches out to hold her in her arms.

At this time, the mobile phone in miyuning's bag rang.

She couldn't care that she was still in Mr. Li Gui's arms and took out her mobile phone.

See the general manager three words, immediately connected the phone.

"Assistant Ge! Where are you now? "

Tang Wenbin's voice rang out.

Tang Jin was so close that she naturally heard Tang Wenbin's voice.

This let his originally joyful face, revealed the gloomy expression.

Miyuning didn't look up, so he couldn't see Tang Jin's change.

She took off her cell phone and looked at the time. Now it's more than half an hour before work.

"General manager, I'm still at home now. I'll be at the company in about ten minutes."

Tang Wenbin's voice was very angry, "hurry up! Ten minutes to the company! "

Then he hung up without giving mi you Ning a chance to speak.

Mi you Ning is looking at the cell phone that is hung up absently.


What kind of temper is this against her.

Mi you Ning involuntarily burst out rude.

When Tang Jin heard her dissatisfaction, she looked better.

He reached out and touched miyuning's head.

Feeling such a cold touch, miyuning is very excited.

She quickly left Mr. Li Gui's arms.

I looked up at the tall man in front of me.

"I'm going to work now. I hope to see you when I get back. We need to have a good talk."

Seeing her serious expression, Tang Jin nodded with a smile.

But there was no smile in those eyes.

He looked straight at the mark of down company on miyuning.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you." The voice is low and pleasant.

With these words, Tang Jin's body slowly faded.

Until it disappears.

Miyuning puts his mobile phone in his bag, goes to the door, changes his shoes and leaves the apartment at a high speed.

Tang Jin is standing on the balcony of her bedroom, looking at the scene downstairs.

Now he still can't leave the apartment building.

But you can go upstairs and downstairs.

He said it can't be without effect.

It's just a surprise.

Sooner or later, he will come out of this cage.

Go to the people who killed him and find their revenge one by one.

Tang Jin's eyes are full of anger.

It was not until miyuning's figure appeared downstairs that his rage was calmed down.

Watching the woman go downstairs to the door of the community to take a taxi to leave, Tang Jin just disappeared on the balcony.


When he arrived at the company, MI Youning didn't wait for the driver to change, so he quickly entered the company.

Today, there are still several police cars in the down company.

Miyuning felt that this time it had nothing to do with Wang Sheng.

The result is not what it should be.

Mi you Ning pushes aside the general manager's office and sees Tang Wen bin sitting on the sofa.

And a couple of cops across from her.

Tang Wenbin was relieved to see the appearance of miyuning.

He stood up and said to several policemen, "this is my assistant, Ge Qing."

Looking at this posture, mi you Ning knew that it was about him.

Miyuning came to the sofa with a proper smile on his face.

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