Tang Wenbin took a deep breath of the smoke, light blue smoke from his lips.

"Come on, what do you want to do with me?"

Yu Wen chuckled at this.

He raised his feet and walked to Tang Wenbin step by step.

The smile on that face is a bit bitter.

"Tang Dong, what I want is very simple."

Tang Wenbin raised his head, complex eyes, looking at the children in front of him.

The tender face of the other side dissipated his heavy heart.

This face, like Wen Kai, makes him feel soft every time he sees it.

But the other party's next words made his face distorted.

"I want you to be my lover."

Tang Wenbin's face twisted in an instant.

He thought of all the possibilities that might threaten the interests of the company.

He might be brought to justice.

But I never thought that I would hear such words.

He looked at the pretty child standing in front of him in amazement.

Each other's tender face, full of the smell of sunshine.

This is a child, a child much younger than him.

As like as two peas, he has the same face as his loved one.

"Ha ha..."

Tang Wenbin dropped his head and began to laugh in a low voice, which was a kind of self mockery.

"Yu Wen, are you sure?"

Yu Wen clenched his hands. At this time, he was very nervous.

"Yes, I'm very sure."

He tried to calm his voice.

Tang Wenbin once again took a deep breath of the cigarette, regardless of the presence of the Yu family bodyguards around him.

Reach out hand to take Yu Wen to his in front of, fiercely blocked the lips of the other party.

It was delicious.

A week ago, when a was big, the feeling of kissing him came back again.

It's not annoying, it's not grudging, it's even addictive.

Tang Wenbin forcefully blocked Yu Wen's lips.

Into his mouth, absorb each other's good.

Intense hugs and kisses are ringing in this office.

The bodyguards of the Yu family bowed their heads when they saw that their young master and an old man were like this.

Seeing their actions, Tang Wenbin showed satisfaction in his eyes.

He took the cigarette in his hand and put it out.

The empty hand took Yu Wen's waist to his body.

They hugged each other as if they were the closest lovers in the world.

Tang Wenbin didn't let him go until Yu Wen inadvertently let out a hint of his voice.

Tang Wenbin gasped: "do you know what is the duty of lovers?"

At the moment of being let go, Yu Wen touched his lips.

Hearing what he said, he raised his head and raised his eyebrows

"Ha ha..." Tang Wenbin laughs with unknown meaning.

"In that case, you should also let me inspect the goods. If the model is wrong, it's a waste of time."

Yu Wen's face changed a few times. He didn't expect that Tang Wenbin would agree so easily.

That's a promise.

"You all stand down."

He bit his lip and told the bodyguard behind him.

"Young master..."

One of the bodyguards was worried.

"Shut up! I'll let you all go out! "

Unfortunately, the other side has not finished speaking, Yu Wen angry voice.

He didn't know why he was so angry. He was a bit upset.

When he opened his mouth, his eyes were close to Tang Wenbin's line of sight.

That pair of deep eyes complex already disappeared, but showed a bit of light of banter.

"Yes, young master."

The bodyguard quickly evacuated our office.

Only Tang Wenbin and Yu Wen are left in such a big office.

The distance between them is very close.

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