Jiang Silu's words made Du Xu stop.

I don't know when all the music around stopped.

Everyone's eyes are on Jiang Silu and Du Xu.

Jiang Silu's words were heard by everyone present.

There was a lot of discussion and a lot of noise.

Du Xu's steps stopped, but did not turn.

"Lulu, do you really think the child belongs to me?"

Very calm words from Du Xu's mouth.

This made the pupils of Jiang Silu's eyes shrink slightly, and a moment's confusion flashed in her eyes.

She knows better than anyone whose child is.

But she did not believe that the gentle man in front of her would really doubt her now.

"Ah Xu, the child is yours. Do you really want to give up our feelings for so many years?"

Du Xu turned his back to Jiang Silu, with a mocking smile on his face.

"Jiang Silu, give each other some leeway."

With that, he strode away, the pace and back.

Just then, two men came up.

One noble and gentle, one evil wind flow.

They are song Yunqing and Liu Sihan.

Before Liu Sihan hit, it was song Yunqing's car.

When they came, they caught the eyes of the people around them.

Song Yunqing saw the existence of Du Xu, and they passed each other.

They didn't have any conversation, just like strangers.

Looking at Du Xu's back, song Yunqing quickly turns his attention to MI Youning.

Liu Sihan's face sank when he saw mi Youning's figure.

He quickly walked to mi you Ning's side, "HSI HSI, I didn't say, don't come here!"

Miyuning reached out and hooked Liu Sihan's arm. "Brother, I don't have something to say to the teacher. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Liu Sihan doesn't know what happened. Now he sees that the music in the bar has stopped, and some of the guests around are dissatisfied.

He nods to Wen Yang and leads mi you Ning to song Yunqing.

"Yunqing, come to my office."

Song Yunqing nodded with a smile.

Wen Yang has reached out to the DJ not far away and made a finger movement.

Soon the music continued and the guests began their nightlife.

Binzi had already disappeared.

As for Jiang Silu, she looks at mi you Ning and leaves in the company of two tall men.

At this moment, she seems to understand something.

Then she rushed to miyuning like a gust of wind.



Mi you Ning really didn't notice the attack behind him.

She was bumped into by Jiang Silu, who was in an unstable mood.

However, the man around her was about to fall, when she met the card seat, he reached out and held her in his arms.

Jiang Silu was not so lucky.

When the other party bumps into mi you Ning, Liu Sihan pulls him away.

The other side really hit the seat not far away.

The sound of the pain was Jiang Silu.

Miyuning felt the embrace with a cool breath, staring at the half sitting on the ground, and the embarrassed Jiang Silu raised his lips.

"Hee hee, are you ok?"

Liu Sihan quickly takes over his sister from Song Yunqing's arms.

Mi you Ning shook his head, "brother, I'm ok, but Mr. Jiang doesn't seem to be very good."

Jiang Silu covered his stomach and kept on talking on the ground.

The pain looks like it's really not good.

Liu Sihan waves to two security guards not far away and orders them.

"Come here and take them to the hospital."

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