Song Yunqing's aggrieved voice to shangmi Youning and his face of accusation.

He put his hand to his lips and apologized, "I'm sorry."

I just thought of something, conditioned behavior.

Now he really has some apologies for his wronged face.

Even if the girl in front of her is Liu Yanzhe's daughter, she is just a child.

However, as soon as this idea came into being, song Yunqing's eyes darkened quickly.

His face was even more distorted.

He turned quickly and clenched his fist.

"How can she be innocent? She's the daughter of that man. She should be damned!"

In Song Yunqing's mind, a cold voice rang out.

"You give me a little peace!"

Miyuning naturally sees song Yunqing's change and hears the other person's whispered words. She immediately expresses her existence.


Song Yunqing forced down another one in his heart.

When he heard miyuning's voice, he felt something bad.

Fortunately, the other one has become silent.

Song Yunqing turns around and shows a very sorry face to MI Youning.

"I'm sorry, Liu Xi. I'm not feeling well today," he said. He went back to his previous seat and picked up his mobile phone. "Have you finished eating?"

Miyuning saw song Yunqing's action, and finally took a look at his sandwich.

She nodded painfully, "teacher, I've eaten well."

Song Yunqing didn't look at mi you Ning any more, and he left with a big step.

Looking at the other party walking out of the apartment, miyuning takes a big bite out of his sandwich.

He simply tied up his hair, picked up his backpack and left the apartment.

After fixing the door of the apartment, miyuning finds that song Yunqing has disappeared.

However, the unnatural side of the other party before, as well as the strange words, let her heart.

It looks familiar.

"Little soul, does song Yunqing have dual personality?"

As he walked towards the teaching building, mi you Ning began to ask about the spirit of caution.

She used a more positive tone.

Because looking back on the short time I spent with song Yunqing, the other party is really a little strange.

Sometimes gloomy, sometimes rational, sometimes crazy, sometimes gentle.

There is always something wrong with song Yunqing, just like two people.

"Just detected song Yunqing's body, it seems that there is no other soul body. As for the dual personality, it needs to be verified by the host."

This is equivalent to saying nothing.

Miyuning sighed and moved on.

Today's weather is not very good, when I get up there is still sunshine.

It wasn't long before it was full of clouds. It's really a child's face. It's always changing.

A gust of wind came and made mi you Ning embrace her body.

When miyuning comes to the classroom, song Yunqing is already standing in front of the platform, preparing the materials for the class.

PPT in class has shown the content of this lesson.

Mi Youning sees that song Yunqing doesn't look at her. She goes to her seat alone and sits down.

The bell rang for class and the people around sat down.

Song Yunqing looked up at the students under the stage. He didn't give a lecture at the first time.

Today's textbook is not his, but there are some accidents.

"We all know that this textbook belongs to Mr. Du. Now I want to tell you some unpleasant news.

Because of personal reasons, Mr. Du resigned this morning. Next, Mr. Du's class will be given by me... "

Mi you Ning sees Song Yun Qing sweep her one eye, did not do more stop.

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