To song Yunqing's gentle eyes, MI Youning can't help nodding.

"Thank you, Mr. Song."

Song Yunqing appears here. This man must have sent her here.

"You're welcome. Take good care of yourself and wait for you to come back."

"I'll see you off."

As soon as the sound of Song Yun's Qinghua falls, Liu Sihan can't wait to speak.

His performance is very obvious. He doesn't want song Yunqing to have too much contact with MI Youning.

Miyuning watched the two men leave the ward.

At this time, the cell phone beside the bed rang.

Miyuning picks up his cell phone. It's Du Xu.

She picked up the phone and said, "hello."

"Liu Xi, I'm at the airport now."

Mi you Ning hears speech to pick eyebrow, "so fast?"

She is still a little surprised, did not expect that Du Xu action will be so fast.

"Well, when I get there, I'll call you if I find anything."

"All right, have a good trip."

Du Xu stood in the lobby of the airport, looking at the ticket in his hand, "well."

He just told Liu Xi that he didn't plan to do it so soon.

But Jiang Silu called him.

He didn't answer. He was rejected in his heart.

They live in the apartment, he did not go back, has been living in the hotel.

I hope that when he comes back, it will calm down.

Jiang Silu's injury to him is a scar that cannot be healed.

It was the woman he really loved, but he didn't expect it would bring him a fatal blow.

Well, this is retribution.

At the beginning, he wanted to use Liu Xi because of Jiang Silu, but he didn't expect that his favorite person would betray him.

Hang up, Du Xu walked into the boarding gate.


half a month later.

Miyuning thought it was just a small cold, but he didn't expect to get better after half a month.

Liu Yanzhe soon learned that she was ill.

These days, Liu Yanzhe and Liu Sihan are always with her.

No matter how they didn't deal with her, the two men didn't confront each other when they took care of her.

As soon as Liu Yanzhe left, MI Youning was bored in his hospital bed.

This body is really a headache.

"Small soul son, really can't recuperate the body?"

"Yes, it's a hangover from the last world."

The tone of Jiehun is very serious and rational.

Mi you Ning looks at the ceiling on her head with helpless expression.

I've been in bed for half a month.

Now she's really getting moldy.

"Host, and the sad news is that you have two years to live in this world."


For a long time, miyuning said, "are you against me, little soul?"

"No, no, no..." Jie soul quickly retorted, "something is wrong with the world. Liu Xi's body has obviously reached the limit, which is more fragile than the original plot, so you only have two years."


Miyuning closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

She watched the original story again.

Two years later, it was time for the original owner to die.

But two years later, it is not the time for song Yunqing to collapse.

It's a tough business.

"Why did song Yunqing use such extreme methods to kill people?"

I don't know if this is to ask the soul or herself.

Miyuning covered his heart and came down from the bed.

She went to the French window in the ward.

In this half month, song Yunqing came again.

The other party was with the other teachers at tex University and left soon after.

I never saw this man again.

Du Xu has been to the United States for half a month, and so far there is no useful news.

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