Rong Gonggong also saw the waiters outside with anxiety on their faces.

I'd like to blame the other party first. The most important thing in this palace is the rules.

"Duke Rong's event is not good. King Rui has broken into the palace with people!"

The attendant also knew that he should not be presumptuous in the main hall.

But it's really urgent.

Rong Gonggong's face changed greatly when he heard the other party's words.

"Where is the dark guard?"

As soon as Rong Gonggong's voice fell, several figures came quickly.

They stood in the courtyard with silver masks on their faces.

"Keep watch here. No one is allowed to go in and disturb the Lord."

When Duke Rong finished his command, he did not wait for the secret guard to open his mouth and took people out.

"Where are you? How many people did king Rui take with him? "

After Duke Rong left, he didn't ask anyone to wake him up.

Because he knew that the king of his family was sleeping, so much noise must wake up.

It's a pity that he miscalculated after all.

It was not Jin Siyan who heard the news outside, but mi Youning himself.


Miyuning looked at the man with her arms around her, revealing the marks on her arms and neck.


Rong Gonggong and his attendants met Rui Wang on the way.

Sure enough, as the attendant said, he took a lot of people with him.

He even held the gold medal given by the emperor, and there were many imperial guards and bodyguards behind him.

Rong Gonggong stands beside Rui Wang and his party, and rushes to the servants in the surrounding palace to scold them loudly.

"When King Rui comes, no one informs you. Can you afford to neglect your guests?"

"Damn it, slave..."

"Maidservant, damn it..."

People around knelt down.

King Rui's appearance is similar to that of Jin Siyan, but he is not as noble as Jin Siyan was born with. He is a little bit more petty.

It doesn't look like a generous person.

King Rui saw Duke Rong and knew that he was the most effective slave of Jin Siyan.

He picked up his sword and said, "Mr. Rong, the king of Japan has something important to do with his brother. If you are the most trusted person around him, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Even in the face of this battle, Duke Rong did not show the slightest fear.

Even with a smile, some dogleg smile.

"King Rui, I'm just a slave. How dare I stop you.

But the Lord hasn't got up yet. Why don't you step into the hall and sit down for a while? "

Rui King dislikes Rong Gonggong's cunning nature most. He raises his foot and kicks him in the stomach.


Rong Gonggong was kicked to the ground, which was cruel enough for him not to get up.

"Old man, I'm kind to you. I really take myself seriously!"

If it was in the past, King Rui would never dare to do so. After all, he had to worry about Jin Siyan's face.

But now it's different.

Today he will let Jin Siyan be trampled under his feet.

When Duke Rong fell to the ground, he saw a scene that he couldn't believe.

From his point of view, he saw two women standing behind Rui Wang.

That's Mrs. Li and Mrs. Zhu of Nanyuan.

He knew that they were sent by the emperor, and he knew that one of them was bribed by King Rui.

Seeing the appearance of Mrs. Li and Mrs. Zhu, Mr. Rong had a very bad premonition.

Just because the two women were naked and covered with flagellations, they looked very embarrassed and pitiful.

"Come and press down this old thing, and go back and punish it at the same time!"


Several bodyguards came out from the back of King Rui. They pulled Duke Rong aside.

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