Miyuning picked up the coke with ice on the table.

She said: "he is a star in my eyes, one of thousands, I don't care, he is nothing."

With these words, Liang Zhen and Luo Wenhao started when they didn't react.

Open the cap of coke and hold it high on Luo Wenhao's head.

With a twist of his wrist, cold coke and ice fell on his head.


Luo Wenhao hasn't made a sound yet, but Liang Zhen has.

That frightened scream, let the milk tea shop's public line of sight turn over one after another.

Luo Wenhao looks at Mi Youning.

At this time, he has not recovered from the other side's words.

I don't know why, when the girl opposite said that, his heart beat faster.

It's very abnormal.

It's not normal. He's feeling a heartbeat.

Miyuning poured coke on Luo Wenhao's head.

She was smiling from beginning to end.

"Luo Wenhao, now we don't owe anyone. You and I are good at our own way. We will be strangers when we meet again in the future."

"No, Yue Yao, I didn't promise. I won't break up with you."

With a sticky coke on his head, Luo Wenhao stood up.

"What do you mean, Luo Wenhao?"

Liang Zhen quit when he heard that.

Reach for Luo Wenhao's arm.

"Don't forget your college tuition!"

Hearing Liang Zhen's words, Luo Wenhao's eyes showed his reluctance.

All previous impulses have been put away.

Liang Zhen's voice of gnashing his teeth was heard by mi you Ning no matter how low it was.

She clapped her hands, "OK, I've dumped Luo Wenhao. I don't care if you like to accept the offer."

Mi you Ning picked up a paper towel to wipe his hands and said to them with a smile.

When Liang Zhen saw that she was going to leave, he quit immediately. "Yue Yao, you think you can go like this. You have to apologize to Wen Hao today!"

Although he heard this, miyuning decided to ignore it.

She stooped to pick up her cell phone, turned and walked to the door.

"Le Yao! You stop for me

Liang Zhen sees that miyuning really leaves, and reaches out his hand to quickly pull miyuning's clothes.

Mi you Ning's face was very ugly when she felt that her clothes had been pulled and her back was facing them.

She shook her arm hard and shook Liang Zhen's hand away.

Then he turned around and sneered, "Liang Zhen, do you want a face? Do you want me to show you all the dirty things I've done? "

"You fart!"

Liang Zhen doesn't believe that Leyao will know anything.

Even before a luxury car sent her, Liang really didn't care about it.

Because she has a grapevine, Yue Yao's father died, her family is very poor.

Yue Yao is a poor man.

When he saw the luxury car send her, Liang Zhen's first reaction was that Le Yao was taken care of.

There are also the other party's clothes, as well as the fruit in their hands.

This kind of phenomenon shows that the Yue Yao in front of us was taken care of.

Otherwise, how can there be such a big change in such a fast time.

"Liang Zhen, let's talk about it. Whose child is in your stomach?"

Miyuning's words completely shocked Liang Zhen and Luo Wenhao.

People around the theatre also enjoy watching the theatre.

"You talk nonsense! You're bullshit! If you are jealous of me, Wen Hao will not like you even if you frame me up! "

Liang Zhen began to talk nonsense, and his eyes showed confusion.

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