Liang Shuang is not stupid. When Li Ze asked, he knew there was something fishy in it.

Sure enough——

Li Ze laughed. "You know, Li Xin's biggest weakness is that he is too soft hearted to his family. No, or for the sake of Li's blood, he is soft hearted.

Tell the person behind you that thanks to him this time, Li Xin's indulgence to him has completely disappeared. "

With these words, Li Ze stood up and left with a low smile.

Liang Shuang was confused.

It was discovered.

So all she had was a joke.

She knows better than anyone whose child is.

Looking down at the DNA identification in his hand, Liang Shuang's heart is instantly cold, straight down to lower the temperature.

Li Xin originally knew that person's existence.

After Li Ze got on the bus, he was still in a good mood.

The car started and drove slowly away from the yard.

Miyuning is sitting in the back seat, playing with her mobile phone.

No one in the car spoke.

Miyuning glanced at the man sitting beside him.

Only see the other side eyes closed, expression see nothing.

Without the cold before, but also without too much facial expression.

"Is that woman's child really yours?"

Miyuning takes his eyes back and plays with his mobile phone again.

But her voice rang out in the car.

Including Li Ze and the driver, they all heard it clearly.

Not to mention Li Xin.

Li Xin hears mi you Ning's words, his eyelashes move, and then he calms down.

He didn't open his eyes and kept the same movement.

It was as if he had fallen asleep before he heard miyuning's words.

Li Ze turns to look at the back and sees that Li Xin doesn't mean to speak. Then he looks at mi you Ning.

Think of before this wench say so obvious, domineering full words, eyes show complex eyes.

"Little demon, that child is not the boss's."

Miyuning suddenly raised his head and laughed at Li Ze.

That's a sweet smile.

Smile too much foul.

Because of the smile in front of him, Li Ze's heart beat faster.

Miyuning then hung his head shyly.

In fact, she didn't want to.

Now if we don't throw out some ambiguous sources.

It's just too hard to wait for Li Xin to take the initiative.

She has gradually found that Li Xin is not like a normal person.

He seems to have no feelings, just like a real immortal who doesn't eat fireworks.

It's amazing.

The immortals make people speechless.

When you fall in love with a woman, you have to sign an agreement and even get paid.

At present, she has confirmed that the other party has a slight cleanliness addiction, and a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. She seems to be in poor health, and now she has a defect in adding another emotion.

In order to make Li Xin fall in love with her and get the power of her soul, MI Youning wants to make use of Li Ze.

Well used, Li Ze is a big help.

After Li Ze spoke, Li Xin finally opened his eyes because of the sudden silence in the car.

The deep eyes of Li Ze's playful eyes.

Li Xin narrowed his eyes and gently frowned at Li Ze.

Miyou would rather hang his head and chat with Li Ze on wechat.

Xiaoyaoer: "brother Li, can you tell me how that woman and brother met?"


When the mobile phone rings, Li Ze picks up the mobile phone and shakes Li Xin.

However, the three words "little demon" in the mobile phone interface are reflected in Li Xin's eyes.

It made his face a little colder.

Li Ze didn't know this. He turned and sat up straight to check the content of wechat.

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