"Wu Wu Wu..."


The sound of weeping is deafening.

Miyuning felt that his ears were going to be broken.

As soon as she entered the task world, she had no time to react, and it was dark in front of her.

Raised his head, on a pair of large golden pupil.

A pair of deer's horns, snake's trunk, fish's tail, eagle's claws.

It's a dragon. To the golden pupil, mi you Ning feels that the one who comes is not good.

However, without waiting for any action, the Dragon opened its mouth.

Then came the darkness.

In the dark space, you feel the flesh around you.

She was... Eaten

Just being eaten

"Host, there's a problem with jet lag. We need to go to the next mission world and wait for the world to recover."

In the dark space, the voice of the soul rings out in my mind.

Miyuning's face was very ugly.

She was eaten before she did anything, and the mission failed?

Then she was teleported to the next mission world before she could react.


You LAN palace.

"I'm wrong..."


In the courtyard, several eunuchs pressed a thin eunuch.

Among them, two eunuchs are constantly beating the suppressed eunuchs with their court staff.

"Niang Niang... Spare my life..."

The little eunuch's hand was rotten on the ground.

The direction he looked at was the woman sitting under the shady seat of the palace.

That is a graceful and dignified woman, dressed up with the upper breath, it is the head of Youlan palace.

The voice of the little eunuch was very small, and the nearest eunuch could not hear the weak voice clearly.

"I'm... Wrong..."

Whisper this last incoherent words, the little eunuch closed his eyes, the body did not move.

Around the eunuch, but still did not stop the hands of the wooden staff.

The woman sitting on the seat raised her hand when she saw that the eunuch was no longer able to work.

"All right, stop it all."

The sound of a sweet Oriole sounded.

"Yes, lady..."

The eunuch in the palace knelt down.

Bai JinSu looked at the little eunuch who didn't know what to do and stood up slowly.

"Remember, in this Youlan palace in the future, the words of this palace will be your will."

"Yes, slave, remember..."

"Yes, I remember..."

The woman in the Imperial Palace clothes, with the help of the maids around her, goes to Youlan palace.

There is no other command for the slaves behind.

It was not until she disappeared into the palace that the maids and eunuchs under her got up.

Clean up the battlefield quickly.

"Mr. Liu, what about this boy?"

"Where do you come from and where do you go back? We have to teach you at home."

"Yes, yes, I'll do it for the little one..."

After the little eunuch left, the big eunuch of Youlan palace squinted at the blood on the ground.

Then he looked up at the eunuchs and maids around him, "they are all sharp. They make the empress angry. Be careful to skin you."

"Yes, Mr. Liu..."



The painful sound of low breath, sounded in the night.

The little eunuch who was thrown on the bed moved slowly.

All the other eunuchs who had been working hard all day had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The little eunuch who moved his body made a miserable voice when he turned over.

Such a big noise awakened all the sleeping people around.

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