"I thank the emperor for not killing him."

Nine Ji successively kowtowed several heads, this just slowly gets up.

As she gets up, pull up her clothes on her shoulders.

If you avoid a disaster, you will be rich and powerful in the future.

Jiuji stood up and hung her head, saying nothing, very clever.

Emperor Jing laughed and shook his head, "you come forward."

As soon as the voice fell, the people below immediately stepped forward, which was called obedient and clever.

Seeing Jiuji's action, Emperor Jing raised his eyebrows.

Seeing that the man stopped three steps away, Emperor Jing said again, "come forward again."

Jiuji stepped forward and came to the emperor sitting in front of the imperial case.

Emperor Jing raised Jiuji's chin again behind him. On his beautiful little face, he still had the sequelae of panic.

That pair of eyes also showed some uneasiness.

He scared people.

"From then on, you will stay in Qianqing palace. When Zhong Dequan comes back, he will teach you hand in hand, and you will take his place in the future. Do you understand?"

Nine Ji a Leng, obviously some muddle headed.

But it was only a moment, and it was soon sorted out.

"Slave... Slave..."

Jiuji was so excited that she cried.

No matter whether emperor Jingdi trusted her or tried, what he could get was right in front of him.

It's how she can control her mood.

However, Emperor Jing misunderstood and thought that the little guy in front of him was moved.

"Come on, don't cry. You don't have to wait on me today. Go down. In the future, listen to your master and learn more. "

Jiuji nodded and knelt beside Jingdi.

She held the emperor's thigh and said, "thank you, my Lord. I will repay you in my next life. I swear to heaven that the sun and the moon can learn from each other. If I betray you, I will not die from that day. "

Of course, under this premise, you have no idea of killing me.

At this time, Emperor Jing was really crying and laughing.

He didn't expect that the little guy in front of him would swear that he didn't believe these things.

However, on the beautiful face that cry, the heart unconsciously soft.

It was something he had never realized.

Jingdi reached out and touched it, holding the head of his leg, "OK, go down."

Jiuji raised her head and showed her reddish eyes. She stood up slowly.

Just as she turned around, she found eunuchs and maids kneeling not far away.

Although they are the emperor's confidants, they are also familiar with each other.

At this time, Jiuji still couldn't help blushing.

In order to survive, she really lost face.

I don't know why, just now she swore to Jingdi, and the grateful disguise made her full of disobedience.

As if it wasn't her. No, I can't say that.

It's a feeling of long absence.

In a word, she can't hold it or touch it.

Looking at his thin back, Emperor Jing left, muttering in his heart that he must fatten people up.

In confirming that Jiuji is a trustworthy person, this idea is becoming stronger and stronger.

So the storm passed.

Jiuji returns to the place where she lives and arranges the process of things.

The emperor's trial, the other side saw the pattern on her shoulder, later changed his attitude.

All this she thought a lot, but still can not understand each other's ideas.

But now I'm lucky to be alive.

The Emperor himself promised to let her stay in Qianqing palace and even take over Zhong Dequan's position in the future.

This is the best news for her.

As long as she does her duty to serve the emperor, she will not be controlled by the person behind.

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