This team is not strong, just like ordinary soldiers, the appearance is not noticeable.

Prince Tata saw these people come in, and he sat down slowly, with a sharp sneer on his lips.

Just at this time, Jiuji's music slowly dropped.

The gentle and low piano sound rings in the ear, which makes people gradually intoxicated.

The imperial guards have stood firm in the center of the hall. They are looking ahead.

Looking at the emperors on the high seats, they all knelt down on one knee.

At the moment they knelt down, Jiuji opened her mouth.

"Confucius said: reciprocity

Raise one's eyebrows to one's temples

My dear old man

"Sweeping path, welcoming guests, Pengmen open..."

Her voice was not rough or even soft.

The lyrics and songs are very natural, such as the crisp and touching touch of deep valley and secluded forest, the melodious freedom of Flowing Clouds and flowing water.

Let people listen to intoxicated, natural, comfortable enjoyment.

Especially the meaning of the words.

This makes people sitting in the hall sit upright.

When Jiuji stopped, the imperial guards stood up without waiting for the emperor to speak.

They turned around and stood up at the barbarians in a dazed face.

The spear in his hand aimed at the people in front of him, and his aura changed instantly.

It's a strong, irresistible will to fight, and it's the spirit of the brave.

See their movement, nine Ji hand speed up.

"Look at my great country

A gentleman's virtue spreads far and wide. "

Just as Jiuji's voice sounded, the imperial guards moved again.

Their actions made the civil and military officials sitting on the main hall stand up one after another.

That's the usual training formation and tactics of the imperial army. Everyone is very familiar with every move.

"Rivers and mountains are scattered in the world

A thousand years of grandeur


Look at the land of Chinese etiquette

Benevolence and righteousness are full of love

The weather of mountains and rivers

The first pulse of pregnancy


Look at my great country

A gentleman's virtue spreads far and wide

Scattered rivers and mountains

It's a thousand years of grandeur... "

All of them were shocked by the songs sung by Jiuji!

They are in high spirits, and they are proud to be the people of this dynasty.

Look, this is their country. This is their inheritance that will not change even after the change of dynasties.

Every move and every copy of the royal guards doesn't match the lyrics.

But their aura, just like on the battlefield, every move has a soul.

They are soldiers who defend their country.

Every move, every type, is telling their responsibility, telling their burden.

A great country can not be invaded by barbarians.

Zheng gradually from high to low-key, elegant, soft up.

The Imperial Army slowly gathered its momentum.

As soon as their aura receded, if they took off their armor, they would be ordinary people.

As long as no one comes, they will not take the initiative to attack, once threatened, immediately become the bravest soldiers.

Long live the emperor

Long live the emperor


After that, the Imperial Army knelt down again to the emperor above the high position.

Their voices are reverent, reverent, and resounding in this hall.

The scene in front of us has already been shocked by the people of manguo.

Civil and military officials are also excited to see this. How can they be calm when they see the previous stirring performance.

"Long live the emperor! The world of benevolence! Blessed is life

"I wish the emperor long live, benevolence and good fortune

"I wish you long live our emperor, and I wish you all the best..."

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