On that night, when the court was overcast, Zhong Dequan left.

The old man who had been with emperor Jing for nearly 30 years left.

When Jiuji knew the letter, it was still dark.

It can't be kept from the emperor.

Zhong Dequan, the last eunuch in charge, was the most favored person around the emperor. His funeral was not too extravagant.

However, as Zhong Dequan's only apprentice, Jiuji's funeral scene was also very lively.

After Zhong Dequan's death, the harem fell into a low atmosphere.

It all changed with the emperor's mood.

For the death of Zhong Dequan, Emperor Jing could not have no emotion.

But as an emperor, he could not reveal his sadness.

Soon with the ninth King... No, it's the king of Jin.

The king of Jin, the most honorable king of the dynasty, has returned.

Because of his brother's return, Emperor Jing's face was much better.

Jiuji looked at the king of Jin from a distance in the court hall, and the other side was really similar to the king of Jing.

But the sick face, as well as the body sitting in a wheelchair, make people look a little fragile.

That day, the king of the later Jin Dynasty was pushed to the Qianqing palace, and then the queen came.

Later Jiuji was sent away by Emperor Jing.

Even the four palace maids around Jingdi were also dismissed.

There are only emperor Jing, King Jin and empress in the huge Qianqing palace.

There are also dark guards waiting around.

From that day on, the king of Jin was proclaimed to Qianqing palace, and every time the queen would come.

Later, he even came here with the prince in his arms.

Jiuji looks at this variant scene and has a guess in her heart.

When she saw emperor Jing and the queen sleeping separately, she had an idea in her heart.

Now see the king of Jin so often into the palace, every time he left with a smile, that idea is more and more intense.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Emperor Jing no longer harassed her.

When Jiuji breathed a sigh of relief, she was a bit lost.

However, this loss was soon buried in the charge of beheading.

She served the emperor as usual, even more attentively than her master.

Because she is the biggest Eunuch in the harem.

Although he is young, he can't stand the big officials.

After the death of the imperial concubine, more and more people called her 9000 years old behind her back.

It's not that we haven't looked for the root cause, but we have broken the news every time, and many people have died.

Jiuji slowly realized that it might not be under her control.

Time passed quietly, and half a year later.

Emperor Jing would tease Jiuji occasionally, but he never went too far, just a few words.

The queen has not been in good health for half a year.

Especially in the past few days, I'm about to go.

But the king was not the slightest sad.

Until this day, Emperor Jing took her into the bedroom of Fengqi palace.

Since the queen was ill, other people have rarely been near the Queen's palace.

This day, Emperor Jing's whim, but let nine Ji know the palace secret.

The queen is not ill, but it's a golden cicada's trick.

The eldest prince is not the child of emperor Jing, but the eldest son of the king of Jin.

He is the only prince in the future and the only successor to the future throne.

Sure enough, the queen has nothing to do with emperor Jing.

At that time, he entered the palace only for the emperor's descendants.

That day, the queen told emperor Jing a lot, and Jiuji heard it from beginning to end.

It made her feel a little uneasy.

It's not a slave she can hear.

It was not until the sky darkened that emperor Jing got up.

When Jiuji left, it was obvious that the Queen's eyes were on her.

Until she left Fengqi palace, the queen called her, and the king didn't say anything and turned to leave.

————Small theater————

Mi Lanyun: Xiao Jiu, come to my king's bedroom tonight.

Xiao you Ning: Huang... Uncle Huang, this is not very good

Mi Lanyun: come on, Xiao Jiu is the best.

——Xiao you Ning regrets it at night, and Mi LAN Yun comes to find it himself.

Mi Lanyun: Xiaojiu, I'm in.

You Ning: Uncle Huang! no You can't come in!

Mi Lanyun: Xiao Jiu, when can uncle Huang come in?

Xiao you Ning: wait for me and hairpin... [blush. JPG]

Mi Lanyun: Keke... Xiaojiu, you've reached the hairpin today

Xiaoyou Ning: then... Uncle Huang, please come in [shy. JPG]

Mi Lanyun: you're ready. I'm... I'm coming in... [nervous. JPG]

Xiaoyuning: Well, come in

Mi Lanyun: tell me if you have any discomfort. Don't bear it.

Xiao you Ning: Well, uncle Huang, come in quickly【 Expecting. JPG]

Mi Lanyun pushes open the door in front of her and walks into the bedroom of nine Princess mi Youning.

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