Mi you Ning looked at this familiar tenderness and deep feeling, and only he could feel the taste in his heart.

It was numb and painful.

In the heart all feelings, she all conceals, does not let any person peep, even nearby man is also like this.

With a calm smile on his face, MI Youning asked softly, "I don't know what dream your Highness has had. I can't even give up the aftertaste."

The prince looked at her deeply. "I had a dream that we would grow old together. It's really a dream, isn't it?"

The smile on miyuning's face finally stopped. She looked at the man.

Want to look into the man's heart through the deep eyes.

This man——

How should she say, too silly or too affectionate.

When she came back last night, she asked about Jiehun.

The colorful glazed stone in the soul space changed when she saw a man.

It was then that men showed their feelings for her.

Now she would not doubt the man's feelings.

When he heard the man's words, miyuning's heart was not untouched.

She dropped her eyes and had a complicated look.

But the prince gently raised his hand and touched her neck, with or without a caress.

"In the future, I'll get this Yanbei kingdom. You share it with me. I'll only have you as my companion. There's no one else between you and me, OK?"

He said, waiting for the woman's answer.

Now that he wants this woman, he will take the initiative.

He has a hundred ways to get this woman, even without his initiative, but he doesn't want to hurt each other.

And he had an intuition that he had to make a commitment to be a couple for the rest of his life.

It seems that as long as he doesn't promise, the woman will not be there, or he will never get each other.

Even though what he wants is a love for two in his life.

Miyuning finally raised her head at this time. She narrowed her eyes and chuckled. "Your Highness must remember what you said today."

The prince's smile made him more beautiful.

Miyuning thought that this man was born with dignity, and he was brave and resourceful. He was the best in the world.

With such a person for a lifetime, she even gave the other party what she wanted.

"Today, I will remember eternal life."

The prince held the woman tightly in his arms, even regardless of the injury.

However, regardless of him, miyuning saw the dazzling red outside the bedroom clothes.

"The wound is cracked again," mi you Ning reminded the other side and gently pushed the man away. "How is this wound hurt?"

How can the prince allow mi you Ning to leave.

He finally waited until the woman's answer, how to let the other party escape, eager to hold in his arms all the time.

Mi you Ning's refusal was very light, for fear of aggravating his opponent's wound.


However, in the middle of the refusal, MI Youning put his hand in an embarrassing place.

Mi you Ning's face changed slightly when he felt that Gu Qian Wang was waking up.

And the prince himself is a difficult - resistant voice.

After miyuning reacted, he wanted to take his hand away.

However, the prince held her hand for the first time, with the wake-up thing.

The feeling of the object is very obvious and spectacular.

The prince approached miyuning's ear and said in a low voice, "princess, help me."

The man's low voice made miyuning's ears red.

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