"You... Raised you for so many years, married and asked for more silver! What's the matter! " My uncle and mother are making a fuss.

Mi you Ning sneered twice and glanced at the expressions on the faces of the villagers around him. He thought that was enough.

Just let people know what Huang Ying has suffered these years.

No one knows what she has endured for so many years.

Huang's family pretends to be nice to Huang Ying, which makes people think that they are very kind.

However, who knows, Huang Ying experienced pain.

In order to earn money embroidery, hands fingers pierced many times.

In order to get married as soon as possible and save more dowry, she would be the first to stand up as long as she had a job in the town.

But all the silver was taken away by the Huang family.

Seeing that mi you Ning didn't speak and didn't pay attention to the sight around him, my aunt began to push forward.

"There's nothing to say. I've been supporting you for more than ten years. If you say separate, separate. I'll tell you, Huang Ying, there's no way!"

Huang's uncle was silent on one side, which was very clear and didn't agree.

In this regard, miyouning has a long way to go.

She took a small book out of her dress.

"Yes, it's OK to pay back all the money I've made over the years. Since I came into your family when I was six years old, the money I've made over the past ten years is sixteen twenty-nine and seven Wen.

And the 728 money left by my parents, and the house all returned to me. I don't want much silver. I'll give you ten liang of silver for all these years' cultivation.

It's only a few taels of silver for people to raise a child. I'll give it to you twice. How about uncle and aunt? "

Uncle Huang was confused by mi you Ning's words.

The elder aunt stares at mi you Ning, and she can't eat meat and drink blood.

Mi you Ning's face showed an indifferent smile, ignoring her cannibal eyes, and asked again, "how do you like that, Auntie?"

One sentence ignited each other.

"You little wave hoof! You said there was so much silver! I told you no way! So many years of raising you for nothing?

If you don't have a house or money, don't even think about it. You can come as soon as you open your mouth. Who knows if it's true! "

The more angry the other person is, the more kind the smile on miyuning's face is.

She turned the book in her hand.

The father of the original owner is literate, and Huang Ying has always been in the habit of keeping accounts.

"If you don't admit it, we can verify it one by one. Not only do I have an account book here, but also all the people I work for. I'm afraid you won't admit it one day."

Hearing this, uncle Huang's sharp eyes swept over her.

Miyuning bends his lips and looks at each other.

"What do you think, uncle? As the head of a family, you should always make up your mind. "

The girl in front of me has changed.

In the past, it was always trembling, but now it seems to change overnight.

Become bold, become assertive.

Thinking that the other party is going to die in five days, Huang's uncle pulls his daughter-in-law.

He said to the village head, "just do what she says, and there will be nothing to do from now on."

At the end of the speech, he took the swearing daughter-in-law to leave the village head's house.

People around them poked the backbone of their departure and talked about it.

From now on, uncle Huang's family is smelly, and their character is not good.

This small town is mostly friendly.

Otherwise, what Huang Ying did last night, those people should have left her alone in heishuitan.

But instead of waiting for her, they called her.

Miyuning successfully left the uncle's family.

The money and compensation were sent to the hunters in the back mountain.

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