The time miyuning is looking for is right now.

In front of the man, she had already felt something wrong.

The other side is not an ordinary person and can't see the strength. If you want to attack, you can only take it by surprise.

The power of soul in miyuning's hand was quickly increased.

At the moment when the man is absent, his hands attack each other quickly.

Because he didn't know his opponent's strength, miyuning didn't make a close attack.

At the time of her hand, the power of soul in her hand quickly attacked and left.

After that, she stepped back, afraid of the other side's return.

Aotian in the discovery of time, cold sharp black eyes in the flash kill.

It was too late for him to step back.

The distance was too close for him to avoid.

But also the first time to get out of the way, the power of the soul rubbed his waist across.

The clothes were cut open and the smell of blood spread.

He was injured

Ao Tian couldn't believe it and looked down at the waist and abdomen clothes soaked with blood.

How long has he not been injured?

At this time, even let a human class hurt.

Although the other side is not ordinary people, but the immediate situation still let Ao Tian can not help but angry.

A woman who was tortured by qingguqian wanted to kill him at this time.

Yes, miyuning wanted to kill each other.

This man has stepped on her bottom line.

When he retreated again, the power of his soul in mi you Ning's hand attacked Ao Tian again.

At this time, Ao Tian escaped the attack of mi you Ning.

Miyuning had been holding the edge of the couch and slowly stood up.

Even if the body is weak, but also strong to hold on to a force.

"Don't come here. It's a big deal."

Mi you Ning saw the man come forward with a murderous face, and the power of soul in his hand showed a white light.

She put her hand in a defensive gesture.

Ao Tian squinted at her hand.

Right, the white light on her hand.

It's not spiritual power, nor is it immortal method and evil Qi.

The power in front of him was something he had never touched.

It makes him feel curious and want to understand.

So Ao Tian's action stopped.

"What do you want to do?"

The woman in front of him, who had just been teasing him, was now fighting back.

Interesting. It's a good choice.

Ao Tian wants to have a wonderful time in the future. It doesn't seem to be so boring with this woman.

Not from the corner of the mouth with a happy smile.

However, his joyful smile almost distorted miyuning's face.

It seems that he wants his face to be torn to pieces.

"Let me go!"

Ao Tian picks his eyebrows and leaves? Don't even think about it.

However, he leaned over and pointed in the direction of the door. "The door is there, please."

This attitude is not unfriendly, but it's what you want.

She gritted her teeth and puffed up her cheeks. "I'm talking about leaving this mountain and going to the village outside."

Ao Tian smiles low.

The laughter seemed to laugh at miyuning's whim.

"If you want to leave here, the villagers in Longquan town will be scared." Ao Tian said so.

Miyuning didn't react at the beginning, and his brain was a little slower than usual.

But soon his face changed.

She looked carefully at the man in front of her, as if to find something from him.

Ao Tian naturally understood her mind, and the light of her eyes suddenly changed.

Originally deep with a smile eyes, gradually become golden.

Pale golden eyes, cold and heartless

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