Mi you Ning found that after a few days together, the man in front of her clearly felt her tastes and preferences.

The dishes she was given were all her favorite.

After third master Qu wiped his hands, Zhou Mohan came from outside.

"Third master." The other side said hello with a smile.

The third master stood up and went to the other side, "well, here we are."

"The car's waiting outside. Mr. Bradbury just called."

When he heard Bradbury, a cold smile hung from the corner of Qu's mouth.

This is one of his partners.

Over the years, he has been involved in the western medicine business, and both families hold half of their own secret recipes.

It's just that this time someone seems to be poking around the corner trying to buy the other half of the pharmacy from Bradbury.

Thinking of this, Qu San Ye's killing intention was almost overflowing.

If it wasn't for the last assassination, he didn't expect that there were so many loopholes hidden behind it, and there would be so many people who wanted to kill him.

The third master Qu suddenly stepped forward, and his killing intention dissipated, showing a gentle smile.

He turned his head and looked at mi you Ning on the dining table behind him. "I'll go first. After a while, uncle Liu will take you to Futong hotel. I'll pick you up after I'm busy."

Mi you Ning was very clever at this time. "OK, Third Master, take your time."

The smile on Qu's face was more obvious when he saw her clever appearance.

"Good boy."

Reward of say a word, with mi you Ning face admire Zhou Mo Han left the mansion.

After the other party left, miyuning left the dining room and went to the living room.

Uncle Liu orders people to clean up the table. He takes a little girl and speeds up to catch up with MI Youning.

"Madam, this is the servant girl that the third master ordered to give you. Her name is xiaorou. She is very sensible. If she sees fit, she will stay. If not, she will choose another one."

Mi you Ning looks at the servant girl beside uncle Liu, or the neat woman.

The sound of each other's footsteps, the eyes and the aura of the whole body can all tell that this is not an ordinary woman.

The sound of stepping on the ground tells us that he is a practitioner.

This is not an ordinary servant girl.

Miyuning nodded with a smile. "Stay here. Just follow me when you go out for a while."

"OK, xiaorou, this is my wife. I'll serve you well in the future."

"It's uncle Liu. Thank you, madam."

Xiaorou first nods to uncle Liu, and then bows to miyuning to show her respectful thanks.

Miyouningqi waved her hand to get up.

"Uncle Liu, I'll go upstairs to get something and have a car ready. I'll go to Tongfu hotel when I go downstairs."

"Yes, ma'am."

Xiaorou follows miyuning upstairs.

Mi Youning was not uncomfortable with someone following him, but he was calm.

She took people to the door of the bedroom. The latter didn't follow her when she went in, and stayed at the door.

Miyuning bent his lips and went into the bedroom.

She went to the dresser, opened the drawer and held Browning's hand gun lying flat inside.

Pick up the bag on the table, put the weapon into the bag, and then stand up.

Looking at the pure and charming little woman in the mirror, MI Youning's eyes became cold, and her whole body's momentum released her prestige.

In an instant, he changed from a simple little woman to a cold beauty. The contrast between the front and the back was very obvious. Mi Youning laughed with satisfaction.

As a woman of Third Master Qu, even if she was simple, she had to have the air of bluffing.

Otherwise, she will not only lose the third master's face, but also be treated coldly and humiliated by many people when she gets married.

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