The leather army boots stepped on the floor and made a clear sound.

Zhou Mo looked at Chen Haoqing's back and said, "I'll wait! You must come back alive, or I'll wake up in my dreams! "

Chen Haoqing's step turns around and stares at Zhou Mohan with fierce eyes.

That vision is like to swallow Zhou Mo Han alive.

In response, Zhou Mohan returned with a brilliant smile.

Their eyes collided and fought in the void.

After a while, Chen Haoqing took the lead in diverting his sight, and the other party turned around and continued to leave.

Mi Youning saw the two men's behavior, and a smile came to his lips.

Chen dashai doesn't care at all at this time. He naturally knows his son.

The eldest son is a wooden man from childhood, just like an ice cube..

There are only two strong emotions when you grow up. One is that you will have passion when you lead the army to fight.

Moreover, Zhou Mohan, a member of the Qing Gang, will influence him and change.

The child didn't know who it was.

"Ma'am, don't blame the dog for not being sensible." Chen dashai and MI Youning said sorry words.

But he didn't seem to apologize.

Mi you Ning didn't care about this and didn't answer.

"Mo Han, you take Marshal Chen to pick up the goods, take Lao Liu and president Huang."

When Zhou Mohan heard the speech, he turned his head and nodded to MI Youning, "yes, madam."

After that, Chen dashai also left, and the brothers of Qingbang left some of them.

Among the rest, miyuning takes a look, turns around and goes back to the ward again.

The night was destined to be unsettled.

Not long after Chen dashai and Zhou Mohan left, someone came again.

Later, she did not see anyone, but let the brothers of the Green Gang keep out.

Just one night, the corridor of the hospital was lined with gifts from the entrance of the ward to the entrance of the hospital.

All kinds of flowers, fruits, and snacks, and even western oddities.

All these things were not taken to the ward by miyuning.

Only when he left the hospital with the third master did he send someone to sort out those things and distribute them.

Valuable let uncle Liu into the warehouse, simple food to the people below.

When the third master left the hospital, it was the brothers of the Green Gang who helped him to leave.

As for how to help, MI Youning said that her soul power still has a certain support ability.

The third master got on the bus with his help, which was seen by many people.

Some people who have doubts understand at once.

There's nothing wrong with Mr. Qu's health.

I can walk without looking. I just need help.

I think it won't be long before it will recover.

This is exactly the effect of mi you Ning.

After returning to Qu's house, miyuning had the third master sent to his bedroom. No one in the residence could go upstairs.

Except for uncle Liu and Zhou Mohan, all the others went upstairs and were killed immediately.

Qu's house was completely closed in an instant, and all the servants were trustworthy.

This was all arranged by uncle Liu, and it was the most rigorous deployment.

Miyuning sees uncle Liu's loyalty to third master qu. the old man treats Third Master Qu as a child.

At this time, uncle Liu is still considering some follow-up security issues.

"Madam, it's almost all arranged. The doctors are also our people. Do you want to stay in the residence for a long time?"

Miyuning stood at the end of the stairs, holding the railing in his hand, watching the servants bustling about downstairs.

"OK, uncle Liu, look at the arrangement. It's hard for you next."

"You are welcome, madam."

When he heard uncle Liu's words, mi you Ning shook his head with a smile.

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