I saw the tip of each other's nose, in the candlelight at night, showing a little crystal sweat.

This moment of Han Yun, some of the heartache, but also accompanied by the feeling of silk Lala.

"Go back to your room and rest. I'll take the rest." Han yunchong and MI Youning turn and leave.

He went to the corner of the yard, picked up the broom and began to sweep the yard.

Mi you Ning saw this scene, said nothing, turned and walked into the room.

Before long, Han Yun came in with some clean food.

"You can have some first. No one has touched it."

Although miyuning had eaten some dried fruits before, he was still hungry.

He immediately nodded his head and said thank you.

Han Yun turns around and leaves the room. Before long, he walks to the compartment with a bucket of water.

There is a bath bucket in it. Han Yunlai picked it up many times before he filled it up.

For the last two times, miyuning saw the heat in his bucket.

When Han Yun left with an empty bucket for the last time, MI Youning, who had finished his meal, said, "you take a bath first. I'll clean up the yard before it's finished."

Without waiting for mi you Ning to respond, the other party stepped out of the house and closed the door thoughtfully.

Miyuning got up and went to the compartment.

The big tub looks very new. The water in it is steaming.

I've been busy for a while, I'm sweating, and I'm at home, so I can't take a bath at any time.

Miyuning takes back his ill fitting wedding dress and shakes off his red embroidered shoes.

Only when there is nothing in the body can you step into the bath bucket.

Water is not too hot, but it can also relieve fatigue.

Until the whole person entered the tub and was surrounded by hot water, miyuning breathed comfortably.

It's so comfortable.

Han Yun is in the yard, sweeping the ground absently with a broom.

Eyes raised, inadvertently looking at the compartment, because the dim candlelight, the people inside the reflection out of every move into the eyes.

The other side's action of withdrawing clothes and raising hands and legs are all seen by Han Yun.

Until all the bundles are out of sight, the perfect curve is reflected.

Han Yun immediately dropped his eyes, but the Adam's apple kept rolling up and down.

Women, he had never been interested in before, and he didn't even have many opportunities.

But today, just now, he once again learned about his desire for women.

Looking at the clothes, that slightly bulging, very uneasy existence.

Han Yun closed his eyes.

The bride is not willing. He can't do it. It will take time.

After meditating the Vajra Sutra in my heart, I can press down the valley of my body.

Mi you Ning is soaking in the bath bucket, and has no idea that she will cause a wedding.

This night, Wang village is destined to be not calm.

After Wang Ergou came home, he was doused with a basin of cold water by his mother-in-law.

"You son of a bitch, you return my daughter. How can you leave her in Han's house like this..."

When Wang Ergou was sober, his mother-in-law was beating him with her fist.

There is not much strength in the fist.

Wang Ergou saw his mother-in-law's appearance, and then looked up at Wang Qinglong, who hung his head not far away, and instantly understood what he had learned.

When Wang Qinglong came home with the second uncle, he happened to see the second aunt.

He was asked why Uncle Wang had drunk too much and why jiarou was not at home.

Because drinking too much also emboldened, Wang Qinglong told the story.

Wang Ergou's daughter-in-law immediately burst into tears.

And then there's the scene.

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