What happened to the Wang family is not clear to MI Youning.

By this time, she was lying in the quilt, ready to go to bed.

Not long after she came out of the compartment, Han Yun came in and entered the compartment with a change of clothes.

Then came the sound of water clattering.

When Han Yun came in, he didn't carry water.

Miyuning knew that the other party had washed herself with her bath water.

Thinking that it was her bath water, miyuning's face turned red.

That's the water she used. It's still a little too ambiguous to be used by that person.

But then miyuning shook his head and laughed.

Think too much, if it is an unconscious girl, at this time she will not think of those messy things.

Close your eyes, MI Youning hypnotizes herself to sleep silently. This body needs a good rest.

Before long, steady breathing sounded.

Han Yun came out of the compartment wearing clean profanity clothes and heard the steady breathing from the Kang.

He walked slowly to the bed and looked at the girl in deep sleep.

There was no makeup on his face, and the natural beauty of not applying smoke powder made him reluctant to move his eyes away.

Such a woman is rare in the world.

Especially when her eyes opened, they were so beautiful.

Han Yun likes these eyes best.

See people really fall into a deep sleep, Han Yun is also relieved.

The woman didn't want to marry him. They were lying on the same Kang. They were afraid that they would be embarrassed.

Han Yun got into the bed and raised his hand when he was lying down. The candle in the room went out.


Mi you Ning had a good sleep.

Open your eyes, strange environment into the eye, all the memories of last night also instantly back to mind.

I felt the bedding beside me, but it was already dead.

Miyuning sat up from the Kang, looked inside, and then put on her wedding dress. She still pulled on her red embroidered shoes.

There's nothing here, not even a change of clothes.

Walking out of the house, I saw the green smoke in the empty yard.

It's coming from the kitchen.

Miyuning's eyes dropped down and looked at the kitchen.

But with out of Han Yun on.

When Han Yun saw mi you Ning, he was also stunned.

Then his face softened a little, tone as light as possible, "you wake up, eat."

As he spoke, the scar on his face moved.

Miyuning stared at the scar on his face, bold and direct.

When Han Yun saw where her eyes were staring, the softness on her face quickly faded away.

He took the food in his hand and went to the main room.

The pace is fast and urgent.

Mi Youning was puzzled when he saw his action.

Does this man feel inferior? No, it doesn't look like it.

Without much thought, she turned and walked to the well in the yard to wash her face.

However, just as she put the bucket down in the well, a pair of big hands took the rope away from her hands.

Looking around, it's Han Yun who just left quickly.

The other party three or two to bring up a bucket of water, the water poured into the basin, and then speechless to the kitchen.

Miyuning first stares at the water in the basin beside the well, then stares up at Han Yun's back as he leaves.

Is this man a sultry man?

Miyuning seems to have found the real image. She bends down and begins to wash her face.

There was no toothbrush in this era. She simply took a mouthful and poured the water in the wooden basin into the yard.

Turning to see Han Yun, follow each other's steps to the main room.

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