Take out the key from the mat in front of the door and open the door. Sure enough, the house is very quiet.

She put the gift box aside and began to look at the owner's home.

The home is very comfortable and full of warmth.

Unfortunately, the original owner is not satisfied at all.

After a few turns in the room, MI Youning left a post it note and left.

Sitting in the car again, miyuning said directly, "go back."


Han Mo is sitting in the office on the highest floor of Baishi, which is Han's office building.

Han's participation in all walks of life, automobile, catering, entertainment... Almost all industries have Han's presence.

At this time, Han Mo sat in the office, holding a pen in his jade like hand, and his eyes were on the documents on the table.

But the heart is no longer here.

Today, he can't work at ease. Thinking of the women at home, he turns his mouth.

He wanted to know what the woman was doing at the moment.

Thinking of doing it, Han Mo puts down his pen, leans on the seat and picks up the mobile phone.

In hanjiazhuang garden, the bodyguards just sent mi Youning upstairs, and one of the bodyguards' mobile phones rang.

Looking at the caller ID on his mobile phone, he quickly connected and said respectfully, "home owner."

"What is Bai Ling doing?"

"As soon as I got back to Han's house, Miss Bai had already gone upstairs."

Han Mo did not expect that the woman went back so soon, "what did she do when she went out today?"

After the bodyguard reported mi you Ning's half day trip, Han Mo hung up.


Miyuning went upstairs to change his home clothes and began to visit the original owner's room.

She did not know that Han Mo asked about her itinerary.

But even if you know, you won't care.

No one can stop that man from doing anything.

The original owner's room design is very good, here everything.

The wardrobe is full of big brand limited edition clothes.

The house has the most advanced electronic products, but also has an independent small bar.

Every day, Liu Ma and Liu Bo take good care of three meals.

This kind of life, for any ordinary person, is very enjoyable.

So is bailing.

Even mi you Ning would be very happy.

Who doesn't want a comfortable life.

However, she can not stop her steps, she did not forget the task of the world.

Bai Ling wants to be around Han mo. this man is dangerous.

Is she going to stay with a man for the rest of her life?

Sitting on the bar, miyuning shakes his head and smiles.


Han Mo solved the company's problems and left ahead of time.

He couldn't stay today and wanted to meet that interesting woman.

Sitting in the car, looking at the journey back to Han's house, Han Mo's eyebrows gently wrinkled.

"Master, someone's following you."

Just as Han Mo frowned, the driver and bodyguard spoke.

A few cars followed them all the way.

It was just when I turned the corner that I caught up quickly.

Such a situation, Han Mo and his bodyguards always meet, so there is no panic.

What's more, the cars they took were all refitted cars with high bulletproof safety factor.

Han Mo was in a good mood, but he was a little bit depressed by what happened in front of him.

"Let the people in the back solve it quickly."

There are three cars behind them, all of them are Han Mo's bodyguards.

I don't blame him for going out every day.

Because there are always people who are in a hurry to die.

The driver quickly contacted the people behind and ordered to solve those people.

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