With these words, she saw that Wang Ergou, Liu and Wang Qingjie were relieved.

"That's good. Liu's reputation is not very good. You should stay away from him in the future, but there are more onlookers today. What if Han Yun knows?"

Liu stepped forward worried.

Mi you Ning held Liu's arm, with no worry on his face. He even said with a smile, "mother, you think too much. Han Yun is not the one who thinks too much."

Although miyuning tried every means to appease them, the Wangs were still worried.

After that, MI Youning changed the topic and asked Wang Qingjie about his scientific research.

"Little sister, don't worry. I'll go to Luoyang the day after tomorrow and take the imperial examination for three days. As long as I pass the examination this time, I can take the imperial examination in Beijing."

After hearing Wang Qingjie's words, MI Youning nods and asks him to get everything ready before he goes to Luoyang.

"It's said that the conditions of the examination room are very poor. You bring your own food. Don't forget to ask your mother to make more egg cakes for you."

"Yes, I'll take out all the eggs at home and give the pancakes to your elder brother. Jiarou is very careful."

Liu said that the wind is the rain, rushed into the kitchen to see how many eggs there are.

Mi you Ning sees this to smile to follow her to enter the kitchen, her words have not finished yet.

This time, we can make some bacon for Wang Qingjie.

If she didn't say it, Liu would never have thought of it.

In this Wang Village, there are several families that can eat meat without spring festival.

I'm sure I'll wait for her and Han Yun to come and eat them.


In the afternoon, when Han Yun came back, he heard the rumors in the village.

It's about his little lady.

Although he did not say half of his wife is not, but also said that she and surnamed Liu some ambiguous.

He knows this man. His reputation in the village is not very good, but he thinks he has a good bag, so he can't tell some women in the village clearly.

Hearing these rumors, Han Yun's face suddenly darkened.

Liu Wenbin is the kind of person he looks down on the most.

Eat lazy, still alive among women.

When you see a good-looking woman, you can't walk.

Think of their own little girl's appearance, beautiful as a flower, like a fairy down to earth.

It must be in the eyes of Liu Wenbin.

At the thought of that, the other side's dirty eyes, staring straight at his own little lady, Han Yun's heart is choked with a stream of gas.

In particular, I heard the villagers say that Liu Wenbin took the initiative to stop his wife today.

Han Yun originally walked home in a different direction.


Miyuning had dinner at Wang's house and was sent home by Wang Qingjie.

After returning home, she first fed the red rabbit a bundle of grass, and then, as in the past, treated it for leg injuries.

At present, the red rabbit is about to recover, and the leg injuries are not obvious.

But it can still be seen that it had been injured, and it was obvious that there was no fur on the leg.

It's all bald.

Seeing that it was dark and Han Yun had not come back, mi you Ning frowned.

Han Yun went to Luoyang City, is to do, she naturally more clear.

Just this morning, a gray carrier pigeon flew to the door and stopped, calling.

She watched with her own eyes Han Yun take down the letter from the carrier pigeon's leg and said it was Ruiyang Wang who asked him to go to the city.

It is estimated that it has something to do with the house, or the ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum last time.

I hope Han Yun's return this time will bring good news.

With this in mind, MI Youning closes the wooden door of the courtyard and walks towards the house.

The back is indifferent, giving people a unique temperament.

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