Han Yun and MI Youning take Wang Ergou and Liu to the house in the city.

The people were arranged in the west yard.

After dinner, Han Yun and mi you Ning go back to their house.

As soon as he enters the room, Han Yun holds the woman in front of him in his arms.

Mi you Ning was held up from behind and was a little surprised for a moment.

I'm tired today. Can't this man wait to upset her?

After thinking about it, she thought it might be only once tonight.

Han Yun doesn't know that the person in his arms wants to be crooked.

At this point, his head is full of what happened during the day.

I think it's necessary to explain, "lady, I will only marry you, and there will be no one else."


After hearing the man's low voice behind her, MI Youning slowed down for a while, and then realized that she had misunderstood.

But after Han Yun's words, mi you Ning wants to laugh.

How can you just marry her.

Without Wang Yuxin's Secret calculation, he and Wang Yuxin are likely to get married.

"Host, it's not."

At this time, familiar and strange, let mi you Ning some excited voice in my mind.

"Little soul?" She asked uncertainly.

"It's Yushu Linfeng, handsome, romantic, and loved by everyone. I see flowers blooming. Do you miss me so much?

I know you miss me, so as soon as I wake up, people come here all the time. I'm afraid you'll cry when you miss me... "

Listening to the thunderclap in my mind, a lot of voices rang out, and MI Youning took a puff from the corner of his eyes.

Who will tell her how the painting style of xiaohuner suddenly changes.

Why did he become a talker?

"Shut up Seeing that the little soul didn't stop, mi you Ning roared.

But what she said was not communicating with consciousness, but speaking in reality.

Han Yun is still waiting for mi you Ning's response, but he never wants to hear the angry voice.

Is this still angry?

This idea, let Han Yun immediately flustered.

Miyuning knew what she had done.

Immediately block the little soul, and open the chatterbox mode in your mind.

She turned to face Han Yun and explained, "I was just thinking about something, but I didn't treat you..."

Without waiting for her to finish, Han Yun said, "I know, I know everything."

Then he bent down to pick her up and went straight to the bed in the bedroom.

I've heard that the couple quarreled at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed.

Now they are at odds, so they need to communicate with each other in depth in order to calm the storm.

With such an idea in mind, Han Yun will soon put the storm to rest.

"Well? Han Yun, what are you doing? "

A dark blue dress was thrown out of the bed.

"No, ha ha ha... It's itchy... Ha ha ha... Han Yun, have something to say..."

A red belly, pocket, was thrown out.

"Oh... Han Yun, stop it..."

Miyuning is like being pointed to the point of laughter, laughing all the time.

Soon, however, the laughter changed its tone.

Men's heavy breathing and women's soft voice of refusal spread in the house.

Ambiguous makes people blush and heartbeat.

A cloud and rain burst forth.

When miyuning was let go, the moon was already high outside.

In the bed, a man and a woman who had been washed embraced each other in the most intimate posture.

This hug shows that their relationship is very good.

Suddenly, the woman who was hugged by a man opened a pair of clear and beautiful eyes.

There was no sign of sleep.

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