Today is the end of the government examination. Wang Qingjie is going out of the examination room.

At breakfast, MI Youning sees Wang Ergou and Liu with worried faces.

But even if they were worried, Wang Qingjie would not leave the examination room until later.

"Niang, I'll have dinner first. My elder brother won't leave the examination room until later. I'll take you two to the restaurant to have a look. It's all ready. I'll just wait for a good day to open."

Liu heard this, the face of the anxious color receded a lot, some happy face.

"OK, it's OK to get familiar with it. It's just my cooking. Do people here really like it?" She still doesn't have much confidence.

"Don't worry, your skill is much better than that of other people in the restaurant," miyouning said

Her consolation proved to work.

When they went out after breakfast, Liu was not nervous.

Because Han Yun finished his meal and was called away by the people in the palace. This time, only mi Youning, Liu Shi and Wang Ergou went to the restaurant.

It wasn't until they walked into the restaurant and saw the waiter inside, and the chefs in the kitchen, Liu and Wang Ergou, that they were obviously a little stiff.

Miyuning sees all this in his eyes.

All this needs to be adapted and will be used to in the future.

Just today, mi you Ning and Han Yun discuss and officially decide the name of the restaurant and announce it.

Although Liu and Wang Ergou are more formal, they also adapt quickly on the premise of taking the interests of the restaurant first.

In just half a day, I became familiar with the chef of the back kitchen, the waiter of the shop and the waiter of the delivery.

It was not until mi Youning began to remind the elder that Wang Qingjie was leaving the examination room that he stopped talking.

"Come on, don't let Qingjie wait."

Liu took Wang Ergou by the arm and went out to the restaurant.

"To my master's wife, Mrs. Han."

The reason why these cooks and guys stay here is that Lai Zesheng secretly told them.

They have absolutely no ambivalence. Even if they have, Lai Zesheng has ways to make them regret for life.

Some things once experienced, the change of temperament is uncontrollable.

Otherwise, where did the powerful officials come from.


Mi Youning, Liu Shi and Wang Ergou came to the examination hall, and some candidates already appeared.

They didn't wait long to see Wang Qingjie.

There was another man beside him, Lai Zesheng.

They helped each other to come.

"Mom and Dad! Little sister Wang Qingjie swept through the crowd from the examination room and soon saw his family.

Seeing that although he was pale, he was still energetic. Liu and his old man were at ease, and they met him.

Wang Qingjie and Lai Zesheng come with their help. The four soon meet. Liu's family supports Wang Qingjie, and Wang Ergou supports Lai Zesheng.

Mi you Ning walked up with a smile, "go home first, have a good meal and have a good sleep."

"My little sister still loves me!" Wang Qingjie boasted.

Even Lai Zesheng on one side bent his mouth.

Now they really want to have a meal and have a good sleep.

They got on the bus and went straight to the house.

On the way to the middle, Lai Zesheng asked to go home, but miyuning refused, and took a tough attitude to pull people home.

However, they didn't have a meal that day, and they fell asleep in the carriage.

The next day, when they woke up, they had a table full of food.

It's like I haven't eaten for three days.

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