Seeing that Han Yun is injured and besieged by people in black, MI Youning rushes to where he is.

There was wind under her feet, and her figure disappeared in a twinkling of an eye.

Han Yun is still fighting.

Before, he was accidentally scratched by the machete of the man in black.

Originally, he did not care about this injury.

After all, once on the battlefield, he suffered more serious injuries, even life-threatening.

But he didn't care. Something happened.

Han Yun grabs the machete of the killer in black and fights with the killers who besiege him.

As time went by, his body was not quite right.

I can't use my strength all over. I have a sharp pain in my heart.

His eyes seemed to be out of focus.

"He's poisoned! Together

In the crowd in black, one of them yelled. He was the leader.

Han Yun cold eyes swept, let life feel a chill.

That pair of cold and red eyes, are watching the killers around.

Looking at his killing, bloody eyes, people in black felt that a chill came from their feet.

Such people have been washed by thousands of skeletons, and their whole body's evil spirit and killing shock them not to move.

This is a kind of aura, killing people in the invisible momentum.

Can think of your people's order, people in black teeth against the pressure rushed up.

Han Yun has heard them, poisonous hair?

It turns out that the knife is poisonous. He's taken!

Looking at the man in black rushing up, he raised his machete and calculated in his heart that he could solve several problems.

It's just that it's not good to have a heavy head and a light foot. There's also something fuzzy in the eyes. You can only distinguish the killing intention around by your ears.

At this moment, Han Yun thought a lot.

He almost knew who sent these people.

The beautiful figure in his mind made his heart ache.

That's the little girl he married home.

He was afraid that he would never see each other again. He was reluctant to give up, sad and painful.

Fortunately, fortunately, he put people on the tree and escaped the disaster.

Han Yun looks at the man in black who rushes up. He knows that the poison is very strong. I'm afraid he will explain it here.

However, in the face of death, we need to pull a few more cushions.

Han Yun holds the machete head-on, where he passes, reaping the lives of these people.

Just as the war became fiercer, miyuning appeared.

She watched Han Yun fight in the crowd in black, but her body was shaking.

Suddenly, the right hand of a man in black in the hand of machete, toward Han Yun hello.

If this knife goes down, Han Yun will not take it with his injured arm.

Mi you would rather see this go, the body first brain step hand, the hands of the soul of the direct attack of the person and go.


The power of the soul is unbearable to ordinary people.

The man in black was hit by the power of the soul, making a piercing wail, and then turned into a stream of smoke, and his soul was terrified.

Han Yun's eyes were out of sight at this time.

It's all against the people around by ear.

He even felt the poison seeping into his heart.

I can't stand steadily.

He obviously felt the killing intention from the right side.

But it's weak.

Just as he was waiting for the fatal blow, the killing intention disappeared.

There was also a scream of pain on the right.

Han Yun can't see the scene, but the people in black around can see it clearly.

The crowd stopped attacking one after another. They couldn't believe it. They looked at the companion who was standing in the same place before they went.

At this time, there was no residue left.

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