Yuwendi stretched out his hand with a cocoon and stopped outside the window.

Soon, a proud Falcon stopped in his hand, deliberately retracting the sharp claws.

Yuwendi habitually at the foot of the Falcon, the solution down a wooden tube.

"Go ahead." Looking at the Falcon in his hand, his deep voice sounded.

The Falcon let out a cry and soon flew away.

Yuwen emperor took the small wooden tube in his hand and went to the brightest place in the center of the palace.

Open the secret letter inside, Yuwen emperor's originally calm face is instantly gloomy.

The whole body sends out the strong killing intention, lets the palace people of Zhaoyang hall kneel down one after another.

Even the most favorite eunuch around Yuwen did not dare to stand.

What's going on?

Yuwen emperor has always been an unassuming presence, which makes it hard to detect his happiness and anger.

But at the moment, this is clearly angry.

And it's a lot of anger.

Feeling the killing intention from Yuwen emperor, all the palace people did not dare to look up.

"Ride Fengqi palace!" Yuwendi said every word.

Every word is murderous.

That night, the wind in the capital changed.

In the original plot, there is no empress dowager tonight, and there is no emperor Yuwen's anger at Prime Minister Li to make him think behind closed doors.

Although miyuning is the small wing of butterfly effect, some things still go the same way.

The fate of others, such as king Ruiyang, is still facing death.

Let's not mention it.


After emperor Yuwen's abolishment, Luoyang City has not received news of his anger at the prime minister.

Han Yun's injury is not serious. He has been well for a while.

Ruiyang Wang never appeared again since he came to see people that night, but he asked housekeeper Liu of his family to send precious medicinal materials every once in a while.

That night, miyuning gave Han Yun medicine.

The atmosphere between them is much more warm than before.

Han Yun's eyes are full of mi you Ning.

On that day, he was really scared.

After drinking the last mouthful of medicine, Han Yun sees mi you Ning put the medicine bowl on the table and pull the person into his arms.

"You've been working hard these days." He said.

Miyuning is used to Han Yun's act of hugging.

Since he woke up, he was more clingy than before, and even had the problem of hugging.

Although it has been in the past, it is not as frequent as these days.

Hearing Han Yun's words, mi you Ning rolled his eyes. "It's not hard. It's just medicine for you. It's fried by the people below."

In this regard, Han Yun does not agree, "lady is the hardest, should be rewarded."

As he said this, he lowered his head and grasped mi you Ning's lips quickly and accurately.

Mi you Ning takes advantage of the situation to hold Han Yun's neck and gives this person a response.

It's a daily drama.

Miyuning felt tired.

You can't use the same method to ask for kisses every time you finish feeding the medicine.

This man, really does not understand the sentiment - interest.

Mi you Ning sits on Han Yun's body and sweeps his eyes at the injury on his arm.

In recent days, the weak recuperation of soul power, as well as drug treatment, the injury has been almost better.

She knew that the man holding her at this time could not hold back.

In particular, the object is really strong.

I'm better than ever at finding a sense of being.

Mi you Ning took a peek, which was clearly against the sky.

Hungry for a few days, even with rebound.

Han Yun's injury is better. Maybe he can do something.

It's her who bears hardships after a few more days.

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