"Ding, congratulations on opening the counter attack system."

When mi Ran'er was conscious, the first sentence she heard was a mechanical sound, which sounded in her mind and made her excited.

When she opened her eyes, she found that she was in a very strange environment.

A carved big bed, the bed sheet is snow velvet, very soft and warm, she blinked blankly, determined that this room is not her own room.

"Only after completing all the counter attack tasks, the host will have the opportunity to return to the original world." The mechanical sound in my mind rings again.

Mi Ran'er could not help sighing, "I am dead after all?"

"Well, from the moment the host dies, this system will be bound with you. In the future, this system will go with you in thousands of worlds." This system may be intended to stir up emotion, but the cold voice really made mi Ran'er unable to move.

Just as mi Ran'er recalled the scene before his death, when he was knocked down by the way of heaven in front of his father (MI Lanyun) and his mother (MI Youning).

There is a memory in my mind——

Xu Ran'er, the name of the original owner, lived in a dynasty called Dayue. She was the daughter of the imperial master and the queen of Dayue. However, she was married to the palace by Yue Jinran, the emperor. The original owner's sweetheart, who was the son of Shangshu, was abruptly broken up by an imperial edict.

Since she entered the palace, she has been depressed and never took the initiative.

Just ask your majesty to let himself go.

But she had become a queen, and even if she knew she didn't love herself, the emperor couldn't let her go. They just confronted each other.

Later, the original owner heard that Yue Jinran married the son of Shangshu and asked him to marry Princess Yueyang. Today is the wedding day of Shangshu and Princess Yueyang.

The original owner was also taken to the wedding ceremony by Yue Jinran. After returning to the palace, the queen couldn't bear such humiliation. She took out the poison that had been stolen before and drank it all in one gulp.

This gave mi Ran'er a chance to come.

"It's going to be fatal. It's like losing a woman's face." Miran'er spat in her heart. It may have something to do with the environment of her childhood. Miran'er really looked down upon such a man who wanted to die and live as a man.

"Host, remember, your task is to counter attack the villain, so that the villain is completely fascinated by you. Only when you are at your disposal can you complete the main task! Each task plane has branch tasks. After completing all tasks, you can leave the task plane and start the next task! "

Miran'er was quick to accept. She said, "OK."

It's okay to die.

As long as there is a chance of resurrection, she must seize it.

I have to go home to see my parents.

I don't know how sad my father and mother were when they found out that they were dead.

After only a few seconds of grief, miran'er entered a state of sadness.

Because she heard footsteps coming into her bedroom.

"Taiyi, please hurry up. The empress has just lost her voice. I'm afraid she's already..." the maid said and began to cry.

Taiyi almost climbed into the bedroom, but saw the lady who should have relapsed, sitting calmly on the edge of the bed, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"This..." the doctor was in a daze and was in a dilemma. Then he knelt down and saluted. "Niang Xiang Xiang, listen to the maidservant of Niang, she ate something poisonous by mistake. How about let Wei Chen give you a diagnosis and treatment?"

"It's not necessary. It's not poisonous. It's just the medicine for activating qi and blood that was prescribed by the imperial doctor because of chest tightness and shortness of breath."

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