Yue Jinran leaves with musk, and MI Ran'er doesn't ask him how to deal with Li Ran. According to his character, Li Ran won't have a good life.

However, it does not rule out that this guy forgives Li ran for his sister's sake.

After all, MI Ran'er knew how much younger sister Yue Jinran had.

Yueyang's child, though not shaped, is a life after all.

Mi Ran'er was in the pepper room late at night, and personally sent the child away.

Even if she is reduced to the task world, she still has the ability to be a God.

She sent the girl to her death and gave her a rich and long life.

That's all she can do.

For several days of waiting, more Jin ran there is no news back.

Mi Ran'er couldn't help but wonder. At dinner a few days later, he asked the man sitting beside him, "Your Majesty, when are you going to deal with the musk?"

"When Yue Yang comes out of the confinement, she is still not fully recovered. If you let her know such news, she will not be able to bear it."

The more Jin ran light mouth.

Sure enough.

Miran'er blinked slowly, lowered his eyes and drank the soup slowly with a spoon.

"What? Can't wait? " More Jin ran see her some disappointed appearance, stretch out hand to knead her chin, light smile to ask a way.

"I can't wait. I just want to see what kind of expression Li Ran will show when he is questioned. This guy is so good at acting. He will certainly struggle to death at that time. Maybe he will deny it..."

Miran'er had made up for countless possibilities.

"At that time, I'll send someone to come and ask you to go to the imperial study and watch the whole process behind the screen. The queen won't miss half the expression of her husband-in-law!" Yue Jin said with a low smile.

"Seriously?" Mi Ran'er's eyes brightened!

She actually thinks so, however, is prepare to secretly run to, don't let more Jin ran know.

Now more Jin ran took the initiative to talk about.

She can't wait!

"When did I cheat you?" Yue Jinran's eyes suddenly sank. She put down her chopsticks and looked at the woman in front of her solemnly. "I think I'm Li Ran's kind of glib little white face?"

Miran'er shook his head quickly. "Of course not... Your majesty, you are worried too much. I'm just a little surprised!"

She laughed awkwardly. She was so guilty that she didn't even have the courage to see Yue Jin ran. She hung her head and continued to eat.

The more Jin ran coolly hummed a.

I didn't care about anything with her. I hung my head and continued to eat.

After dinner, Yue Jinran stayed here.

Yue Jinran was lying on the bed, looking at Mi Ran'er's room and bed, and suddenly said, "how about renovating the Jiaofang hall?"

"Well?" Mi Ran'er was tightly held in his arms, and his breath was full of the smell of ambergris on his body. He indulged in this moment, but for a while he could not respond to Yue Jinran's words.

"I don't know if the musk has any aftertaste. After repairing it, people can use other incense for a few days. If the queen moves in again, there should be no problem." More Jin Ran is really a shadow.

Miran'er knew the power of spices. After so many years, they still had a taste. They were usually put together with her clothes. Now it seems that all her clothes have to be thrown away.

Nodded, "good."

"Tomorrow I'll let you start work one day, and the queen will move to my palace." The more Jin ran says, hugs her to cover the quilt more tightly, hugs her tightly and narrows her eyes.

Go to his palace?

How did mi Ran'er feel that he was trapped by this man?

Licking her lips, she thought from a different angle, in this case, it is not far away from the day of her successful mission.

Thinking like this, I was very happy and went to sleep happily.

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