"Since it's a boyfriend... Goodnight kiss or something, should I give one?" Tang Lin's finger abdomen brushed lightly on his thin lips, and his eyes were full of expectation.

Mi Ran'er's eyebrows frowned for a moment.

Immediately, pad foot to see corridor and corridor, nobody.

She gave Tang Lin a quick touch on the lip.

"Good night!" Slam the door shut.

Tang Lin's face immediately burst into a satisfied smile.

After taking a bath and lying on the bed, MI Ran'er remembered that this time she and Tang Lin were officially together, it seemed that there was no so-called progress prompt.

She asked the system suspiciously, "why is this plane progressing so slowly?"

System: "it seems that you should ask yourself? Don't you control the progress of your relationship? "

Miran'er looked at the ceiling blankly. "So this means that there is still a long way to go between Tang Lin and me?"

System: "sorry, no spoiler."

Mi Ran'er

She knew that when she asked, she would ask in vain.

Turn off the light and go to sleep.

What mi Ran'er didn't expect was that what promoted the rapid development of the plot happened the next day.

Because they were ordered not to ride bicycles any more, MI Ran'er and Tang Lin began to go to school by bus.

Sitting in the back of the bus, miran'er has been playing with her mobile phone.

Not to school, mobile phone suddenly rang up.

She took it out to have a look.

It's Jin wanwan.

After connecting, without waiting for the other person to speak, MI Ran'er said directly, "don't want me to buy you breakfast. I'm on a bus today. I don't have a chance."

Jin wanwan said anxiously, "I didn't say about buying breakfast. Ran'er, please look at the school website quickly!"

"What's the matter?" Mi Ran'er wondered if the recent number of views on the school website was too high?

"You... You'll see! It's not clear on the phone With that, Jin wanwan hangs up without waiting for MI Ran'er to respond.

Seeing that MI Ran'er's face was not very well, Tang Lin frowned and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

Mi Ran'er shook his head. "I don't know. He said," let me see the school website. "

She login school network, into the home page, saw a post.

Big bang! My girlfriend is her

"Tang Lin?" Murmured miran'er, clicking on the post.

When she saw the content of the post and all kinds of intimate photos, she turned pale, but she was not too flustered after all.

It was Tang Lin who grabbed the mobile phone.

"Who took these pictures?" He asked coldly.

Mi Ran'er shook his head slowly. "How can I know if you ask me?"

She took a deep breath, "don't worry, there's no excessive action. At most, it can only prove that our relationship is better than that of ordinary siblings."

How can Tang Lin not worry.

These photos have gone beyond the normal interaction between siblings.

In particular, there are several photos of his eyes looking at miran'er, and the tenderness in them is really too obvious.

Aware of Tang Lin's nervousness, MI Ran'er looks at him with a funny look. "Don't you say that you are always ready to be exposed? Take out your courage. What are you afraid of? I'm not worried. "

When mi Ran'er saw that the car had stopped, he patted Tang Lin on the shoulder. "OK, get out of the car and go to school. Pretend you don't know anything."

Tang Lin frowned.

He was not afraid of anything else. He was afraid of being criticized.

The lethality of speech is sometimes more powerful than real weapons.

The most important thing is that the relationship between them is exposed too early. If it can be exposed after their academic success, they don't have to worry about too many people's eyes.

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