"After you leave the Tang family, you will not be a member of the Tang family, and then we will be able to be more aboveboard together ~"

A small hand stretched out from the quilt and gently hugged Tang Lin's waist.

Seeing that Tang Lin didn't resist, MI Ran'er, like a cat, came out of the quilt and fell his hairy head on Tang Lin's chest.

She narrowed her eyes and said slowly: "in fact, Tang Lin, you don't know how lucky my parents and I are that you can show up in our house."

Girl's soft voice, hit the heart!

Tang Lin was stiff for a moment, then softened again.

His long arm held mi Ran'er tightly, pulled the quilt and wrapped them together.

He said with a low smile, "I should be glad that God can let me meet such a good you, such a good mom and Dad..."

Even if, let him with annoying disease, it seems not so sad.

After that night, the love affair between MI Ran'er and Tang Lin became public, and they began to have no scruples at school.

However, there is still a long way to go for students to change their views on them from sister and brother to lover.

Aoki appeared half a month later. When he learned what happened between them, he just laughed it off.

His affection for miran'er was completely hidden in his heart.

A year later, Aoki was admitted to his favorite university.

After that, he had less contact with miran'er Tang Lin. however, before going to university, he sent a text message to miran'er to help her take care of Xu Qingguo.

Another year, MI Ran'er, Tang Lin and Jin Wan Wan sat in the entrance examination room.

Tang Lin's achievements are almost the same as those of MI Ran'er.

But Jin wanwan failed in the exam.

However, she didn't get frustrated and chose a journalism major in a second rate University. At the beginning of September, she took the train to go to the University.

Mi Ran'er and Tang Lin were admitted to two neighboring universities.

One studies literature and the other studies theory.

Mi Ran'er chose the law department of a university and became a rookie lawyer after graduation.

After graduating from biology department, Tang Lin continued to take the postgraduate entrance examination in the research room and helped his tutor to do all kinds of research.

In the third year after graduation, when the two young people were 25 years old, Tang's father and mother began to prepare for their marriage.

When the wedding was held, the two children didn't care about anything. They rushed home the day before the wedding and waited for the wedding ceremony the next day.

The parents arranged the wedding very dreamily.

When Tang Lin was wearing a ring to MI Ran'er, his whole body trembled with excitement.

When the ring was put on, a word suddenly rang out in MI Ran'er's mind.

"Congratulations to the host, the plot completion rate of standard plane task is 100%! Gain 100 + character value and 100 + task experience value! "

Hearing this, MI Ran'er's eyes brightened.

Just after she picked up the ring and put it on Tang Lin, she felt that there was a white light in front of her eyes, and she was instantly engulfed by the white light.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself in a vast expanse, like in a virtual space. She could not touch herself or see anything.

"Where is this?" She asked with some fear.

"This is the plane space station, where the host can recuperate the soul and wait for the next mission." The sound of the system came from all directions, like stereo on.

Miran'er thought of the wedding.

She said anxiously, "if I just leave at the wedding, will the original owner really die?"

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