Miran'er's eyes were fixed on the meat in front of him. The leg was almost the size of a dog's leg. It would take some time to cook it.

Anyway, she's OK, although she's a little hungry

"Hold it for me."

Miran'er handed the stick to Gus and told him to turn it over from time to time.

Gus gave a hum. After taking it, he turned it over from time to time according to miran'er's instructions.

Miran'er went into the cave and took out the remaining half of the bread and kettle. After sitting down again, she broke off half of it and gave it to Gus, "try this one."

Gus looked at the bread in front of him. It was strange to him.

So, he frowned and didn't know whether to take it or not.

"What's the matter? You suspect there's something strange in my stuff? How dare I, a small Terran, lend me 100 courage, and I dare not fight against the leader of the White Wolf clan, unless I don't want to live, and I want to be eaten directly by your white wolf clan! "

Mi Ran'er said. Seeing that he didn't answer, he withdrew his hand and said in a stuffy way, "if you don't eat it, I'll eat it myself."

Say, prepare to put in the mouth.

"Well, did I say no?" Gus grabbed it and took a big bite.

The soft and sweet taste of bread spread in his lips, and Gus's eyes were shining.

"What is this? Why is it so delicious? " When he said this, his eyes fell on the little bread left in MI Ran'er's hand.

He wants more.

Miran'er could only hand the rest to Gus. "It's called bread. It's produced in the place where I live. It can be used as staple food to fill my stomach."

Miran'er said to Gus patiently.

After listening, Gus didn't understand. He ate the bread bigger than his fist.

Miran'er doubted that the man had not tasted the bread at all.

It's like pig eating ginseng fruit.

After Gus ate all the bread, he remembered that Miran had nothing to eat.

He laughed a little apologetically. "You should be hungry too. I ate all the bread. What do you do?"

"I'm fine. I can eat the meat later."

Miran'er takes the barbecue and cooks it slowly.

Although there was still a big bread in the bag, she had to stay for a rainy day.

Gus looked at her face and felt even more sorry.

He got up and suddenly jumped down the hill.

"Well, where are you going?"

"You wait for me."

Gus's voice came back from the foot of the mountain and fell into Miran's ears.

Miran'er had to sit and barbecue.

When the face was golden, she took it to her mouth and took a big bite.

"Well, it smells good!" Mi Ran'er's eyes lit up as he ate the original barbecue.

Before she could swallow the meat in her mouth, she couldn't wait to take a second bite.

Her mouth was so hot that she kept her red lips half open and exhaled.

When Gus came back with the fruit, the scene was that she opened her mouth slightly, full of oil and water, bright and lovely.

The instinct of animals made his eyes darken and his belly tighten.

Thanks to his Taoism, he is much deeper than ordinary people, so he can control the agitation in his body.

After he sat down, he spread out the leaves in his hand, revealing the red wild fruit inside.

"What fruit is this?" Miran'er, who had never seen him before, asked curiously.

"Congxiang fruit."

Gus handed one to miran'er. "It's washed. It's clean."

The orc lived a good life.

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