From small to large, Yu Xiaobo was spoiled by his parents and bullied the original owner all the time. He had never been so cleaned up by his sister.

At the moment when he was pinched, Yu Xiaobo immediately began to cry.

"Mom, my sister hit me!"

He screamed.

Yu Mu immediately came out of the inner room and saw the scene. She quickly grabbed mi Ran'er's arm, pushed her away, and stared at her angrily, "what are you doing? Winter's, the ear originally froze flustered, pulled off how to do? "

She rubbed Yu Xiaobo's ear painfully.

Mi Ran'er looks at Yu's mother's eccentric eyes and sneers even more.

"It's all right, teach this smelly boy a lesson, or he won't know the heaven is high and the earth is rich..." Mi Ran'er clapped her hand and looked at Yu Xiaobo.

Yu Xiaobo's lips move slightly. He wanted to complain, but mi Ran'er stares at him.

It's fierce.

Yu Xiaobo was stunned.

Then, swallowing, nothing to say.

Yu's mother didn't hear Yu Xiaobo yelling outside, so she thought it was her brother and sister who were quarreling.

She kept on blaming mi Ran'er, saying that she didn't know how to love her brother.

Miran'er heard this and went back to the house and began to pack up.

The original owner didn't have many things. There were only one or two sets of clothes she could take out to wear. She packed them all in her bag.

Then, from the bed out of a few pairs of shoes mat.

Xu Wenzhou was given a seat by the original owner. The size of the shoes was too large, because the original owner didn't know how big shoes Xu Wenzhou was wearing.

I wanted to send it to Xu Wenzhou's army, but that guy didn't want to tell the original owner of his army's specific address anyway, so let's do it.

Putting the insole in her bag, MI Ran'er leans on the bed and looks at the helpless family. She thinks that she may never come back to this home again in her life.

In the early morning of the second day of junior high school, Xu Wenzhou came to Yu's home with his household register.

In the cold air, MI Ran'er sat up with his heavy head on his head and looked at the sky outside, a little angry.

"It's just a license. What are you doing here so early?"

I haven't slept enough.


She put on her new clothes and tied a ponytail in her hair.

Usually, the hairstyle with horsetail covered both sides of the cheek. Now when all the hair was lifted up, a small face was only a slap, and small ears were exposed. When Miran came out of the room, she immediately regretted wearing horsetail.

It's freezing.

Looking at her dress today, Xu Wenzhou remembers that the little girl is much taller and more mature than she was three years ago, especially in some parts.

When he realized where he was looking, Xu Wenzhou was ashamed and quickly looked away.

Mi Ran'er didn't notice Xu Wenzhou's eyes. After saying hello, she went to wash her face.

After finishing, she put on her scarf and earmuff and went to the outer room.

Yu's father has given Xu Wenzhou his household register.

"You two go back quickly. After you get the marriage certificate, remember to show it to me."

Yu's voice trembled as he spoke.

When mi Ran'er heard this tone, he felt a little sad.

This is the instinct left in the body of the original owner.

She nodded.

Follow behind Xu Wenzhou and come out of Yu's home.

Today, Xu Wenzhou is still dressed in a military uniform, neat, ironed collar angular, handsome.

Miran'er also found that this guy's hair was specially shaped with mousse.


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